The Personality Traits of an Aquarius Baby

Written by Tony Luck

Continued from page 1

An Aquarian child will be constantly onrepparttar go and needs plenty of opportunity to make discoveries. Your child will thrive in a peaceful, calm, harmonious environment. These children are sensitive to any underlying tensions. Aquarian children can look more confident than they feel and so need genuine encouragement and praise from their parents.

Young Aquarians should be encouraged to think logically and practically. Their minds are always working quickly, sometimes too quickly so they often get in a muddle.

The typical Aquarian child is very healthy.

Tony Luck runs a site offering advice to new moms. Included is the fascinating Chinese Conception Chart which supposedly tells you whether the baby you're expecting is a boy or girl!

Send Your Child to College FREE!

Written by GranMamma

Continued from page 1

The salary you pay your child for beingrepparttar property managemer is tax deductible. This deduction can go towards your student’s books, supplies, or food expenses.

Save on gas money when visiting your child. Another perk to owning rental property is that you are allowed a tax deduction twice per year in order to inspect any out-of-town property. The primary purpose of your trip must be inspection and maintenance of your property. However, visiting your child may be a secondary purpose. Be sure to document all trips and their purpose.

Userepparttar 110386 real estate Tax Deductions to generate extra cash.

The depreciation deductions you claim each year on your rental property give you immediate cash, which can be used toward college expenses.

Finally, your child has graduated and its time to sell your property. Userepparttar 110387 profits from your investment to pay off your loans. At 8% per year appreciation,repparttar 110388 property will be worth $ 20,000 - $40,000 more atrepparttar 110389 end of four years, depending onrepparttar 110390 original price.

Because housing in college areas is in very high demand, your property’s value should increase substantially. The best and easiest way to sell your property is to list it inrepparttar 110391 school and city newspapers with an ad that reads : “Send your child to college free. Call me for details!” Most likely, you will recieve calls inrepparttar 110392 first day or so. Inform your prospects of how rental property can finance their child’s education. This key strategy will enable you to pay off any pending loans and leave your college student debt-free!

GranMamma is the webmaster at the Baby Names Box - - Where you can explore over 6,000 baby names and their meanings. Sub-categories include Disney ,J.R. Tolkien names, Fantasy and Folklore names, and many names from the literary classics. Read articles ranging from parenting and family to home and gardening. Be sure to say hi to GranMamma!

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