The Personality Traits of a Gemini Baby

Written by Tony Luck

Continued from page 1

When raising a Gemini you should ensure that he hasrepparttar freedom to explore and investigate. Geminis need to be free to follow several interests at once and to be able to change direction. You will need to teach your child to distinguish between illusion and reality, encouraging him to tellrepparttar 110397 truth. Geminis are naturally honest but may avoid tellingrepparttar 110398 truth as a defence against being misunderstood.

Young Geminis enjoy learning to communicate and can easily become bilingual if spoken to in different languages from an early age.

Typical Geminis may suffer from chest problems: coughs, colds and brochitis. They make little of any illness however, and dislike being confined to bed.

Tony Luck runs a site offering advice to new moms. Included is the fascinating Chinese Conception Chart which supposedly tells you whether the baby you're expecting is a boy or girl!

Free Baby Shower Games

Written by GranMamma

Continued from page 1

Baby’s name

Putrepparttar baby’s name onrepparttar 110396 top of a piece of paper. Make copies for each guest. Giverepparttar 110397 guests about one or two minutes to make as many words out ofrepparttar 110398 baby’s name as they can.

Celebrity Babies

Each guest is given a list of celebrity moms and babies. Moms will be onrepparttar 110399 left, while a scrambled list of babies names will be onrepparttar 110400 right. The object is to match each celebrity mom torepparttar 110401 name of her baby/child. Link to example sheet.

Play-dough Babies

You will need about 2 cans of play-dough for every two people. Have each player make little babies. The mother-to-be will then judge each sculpture andrepparttar 110402 winner gets a prize.

Pinrepparttar 110403 Baby inrepparttar 110404 Mommy

Make or find a big picture of a pregnant woman and another picture of a baby. This game is just like Pinrepparttar 110405 Tale onrepparttar 110406 Donkey, except you pinrepparttar 110407 baby inrepparttar 110408 mommy.

GranMamma is the webmaster at the Baby Names Box - - Where you can explore over 6,000 baby names and their meanings. Sub-categories include Disney ,J.R. Tolkien names, Fantasy and Folklore names, and many names from the literary classics. Read articles ranging from parenting and family to home and gardening. Be sure to say hi to GranMamma!

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