The Perfect Project Manager

Written by Richard Lowe

Continued from page 1

This works on all directions onrepparttar organization board. A project manager must be able to supervise his own people, work with consultants, handle his boss, work with his boss's peers and boss, communicate with vendors and possibly clients, and be able to communicate well enough with anyone to getrepparttar 106760 job done.

Manages time - This is especially important if a project manager is, like most of us in information technology, managing more than one project at a time. The project manager will be hit from all sides by conflicting goals and objectives. People will demand time fromrepparttar 106761 manager, and he must be good at using this time wisely. Perhapsrepparttar 106762 most important things are: use meetings wisely and appropriately, minimizerepparttar 106763 use of email (a real time waster), stay clear of politics and plan well to avoid a crisis (the worst time waster of all).

Understands when quick action is necessary - Sometimes quick action is necessary, and sometimes it is not. A good project manager understands when an event is a crisis and when it is just someone attempting to make a crisis. Sometimes these are very difficult to differentiate - but it can and must be done.

Acts quickly when necessary - When quick action is necessary, a good project manager does not hesitate (at least not for long) and does what is necessary.

Understands when he must be ruthless and when he must use a soft touch - There are times when a project manager must act quickly and decisively, and there are others when he must be a nice person. For example, I managed a project a few years ago which took a sudden turn forrepparttar 106764 worse. I investigated and found out a consultant was not doing his job. I confrontedrepparttar 106765 consultant, got back severe attitude and fired him onrepparttar 106766 spot. The project was soon back on track. Onrepparttar 106767 other hand, in one instance I found a consultant was having severe personal problems and that wasrepparttar 106768 cause of some slippage inrepparttar 106769 schedule. I immediately gave her a couple of days off andrepparttar 106770 problems vanished upon her return.

Produces solutions, not problems - The job of a project manager is to manage a project such that it is completed. It is not his job to create problems. A good project manager understands this, and acts accordingly. Thus, he is always putting solutions on his bosses desk, not more problems.

Controls deviations - For some reason, many managers love to introduce change in projects after they get under way. This must be controlled or your people will feel like they are shooting at a moving target which is invisible. It's hard to hit a target if you don't know what that target is, and just as difficult to hit something if it changes constantly. Sometimes a project manager must be flexible - but those instances must be controlled andrepparttar 106771 reasons for change understood.

The real measure of a good project manager is simple - his projects get completed as specified, his people feel productive (they believe they are contributing to something worthwhile), andrepparttar 106772 finished product (the result ofrepparttar 106773 project) is of high quality.

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets at - Visit our website any time to read over 1,000 complete FREE articles about how to improve your internet profits, enjoyment and knowledge.


Written by Sharon Dalton Williams

Continued from page 1

Overrepparttar years, however, I have developed that "possibilities" outlook. A lot of what I do is writing, and I have learned to seerepparttar 106759 "article" in almost every situation. I had to teach myself to do it, but once I gotrepparttar 106760 knack of it, it's amazing what I see that others don't even notice.

To grow your business and to keep it from getting stagnant, learn to seerepparttar 106761 possibilities around you.

First, keep a pad of paper with you wherever you go. You never know whenrepparttar 106762 spirit of inspiration will hit. And believe me, you WON'T remember that brilliant idea later. It will be gone. So get inrepparttar 106763 habit of writing down your ideasrepparttar 106764 moment you get them. And don't forget to put in some details when you write your note. I've looked at cryptic messages I've left for myself, fully understanding what I was doing atrepparttar 106765 time, but not making heads or tails of it later.

Second, pay attention torepparttar 106766 details around you. Look at what's actually going on. Studyrepparttar 106767 people (study, don't stare!) sitting onrepparttar 106768 bus with you. Listen to children as they play. Watch how others conduct their business and deal with customers. Look atrepparttar 106769 sign posts alongrepparttar 106770 road. Some of them are quite funny.

Third, learn to look at what you are seeing with new eyes. Ask yourself, "What isrepparttar 106771 lesson to be learned here?" or "Can I use that in my business?" or "Is there an article in there somewhere?" Learn from other's mistakes so you don't make them yourself. Learn from other's successes and see how you can adaptrepparttar 106772 idea (not steal and plagiarize) for your own business.

When you develop a "possibilities" outlook, new ideas will begin to race through your mind. Your creativity will begin to flow. You'll feel a new energy aboutrepparttar 106773 growth of your business. And that's when things get really exciting!

Sharon Dalton Williams is the author of "How to Succeed and Live a Full Life." Learn how to reach the goals you have set for your life and business. Surf to to order your copy. Learn how to use what is uniquely you in building your business. Subscribe to *Out From the Crowd.*

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