The POWER of Your Words

Written by L.J. Davis

Continued from page 1

We are all likerepparttar leaf. We all have a deep, profound purpose to our lives that we may not even understand until it becomes manifest. This purpose may be very simple onrepparttar 110569 surface, but may deeply affectrepparttar 110570 course of many lives. We are all instrumental in each other's greater purpose. You never know when you might berepparttar 110571 one withrepparttar 110572 words to createrepparttar 110573 next Mother Theresa orrepparttar 110574 next loving mother who nurtures and creates a wonderful child.

This leaf struck me to my core and from my notions I crafted a story of simplicity and truth. It is called A Simple Brown Leaf. It tellsrepparttar 110575 story of an autumn leaf that thinks its life is over when it falls from a tree, not realizing that it is being watched by a squirrel who plans to use it to line her nest for winter. Its main message is that every living creature has a purpose, no matter how we try to trivialize it. I truly believe that this is one ofrepparttar 110576 most important messages we can give children today. Many children grow up believing that they could disappear off ofrepparttar 110577 face ofrepparttar 110578 Earth and no one would notice. Kids today grow up in a world of despair and lack a sense of hope. It doesn't have to be like this.

Words are powerful things. Perhapsrepparttar 110579 solution is simple. Could I child pick up a book and begin thinking about his/her life's path? Can we instill a sense of importance from a young age - a sense of knowing that 'I have a place inrepparttar 110580 world?' I think all of our futures depend on findingrepparttar 110581 words within ourselves that say, 'I am powerful!'" Keep in mind: •Your words are you legacy •Never underestimaterepparttar 110582 power of your words •Sharing a story is a great way to share your words •Words spoken to an impressionable mind can invoke a sense of purpose that fulfills a destiny •The mightiest words are those we share with our children

L.J. Davis isrepparttar 110583 author of A Simple Brown Leaf, a story for a new generation of children.

"Every child has a purpose. Every child asksrepparttar 110584 question, 'Who am I going to become.'"

Learn more at

©2005 L.J. Davis

Born in San Diego, California in the late 60's, L.J. Davis has been writing since she was seven years old. As a writer, her childhood experiences have strengthened her ability to write stories that look at the emotional side of being human. All of her stories explore the connections between self and the environment and self and others. Davis is a graduate from the University of San Diego and holds a B.A. in English and a M.Ed in Counseling.

Goal Setting for Kids

Written by Cecile Peterkin

Continued from page 1

Things to remember Expect resistance; Be firm; Look for performance, not perfection; Kids need to seerepparttar end before they begin (incentive - what will happen if...); Kids need rewards; Kids need praise.

Results As kids learn how to set goals and experiencerepparttar 110568 difference goal setting makes in their personal destinies, it will encourage them to take action. They will begin to create lives for themselves that they want and "Dare to live their Dreams!" As your kids become more aware of greater possibilities in their lives, and tap into their respective talents they will develop a stronger sense of self and of their contribution to society.

Cecile Peterkin is the President and Founder of Cosmic Coaching Centre, and publishes “Recipes for Success”, a Free monthly ezine on living your best life both personally and professionally. Cecile is a certified Career Coach and Retirement Coach and Speaker. She helps Middle Managers overcome the “Middle Syndrome” of being stuck in a middle position in mid-life.

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