The "Not So Secret" Secrets of Success

Written by Terri Seymour

Continued from page 1

Write and submit articles, publish an ezine, get listed all overrepparttar web, do link exchanges, swap ezine ads, compile a fr~e ebook for viral marketing, subscribe to announcement lists, visit message boards, get involved in discussion groups........there are hundreds of ways of promoting yourself and your online business! Not a "secret"!

"Secret" #5 - Hard Work

Despite what many people have said, it is not easy to "get rich overnight" and "making thousands a week, while doing nothing" just doesn't happen. To be successful you will need to work and work hard. This is where passion for your work comes in! Not a "secret"!

"Secret" #6 - Commitment

Expanding onrepparttar 123593 hard work "secret", you will need to make a commitment to success. You must be willing to make sacrifices and work long hours. This will not happen could take years. Are you prepared for years of frustration, hard work, ups and downs, dealing with people (good and bad), rejections, and everything else that comes along with building a business? Not a "secret"!

"Secret" #7 - Pride

Take pride in your work. Your work and your business will be a reflection of you. Build your reputation for a solid foundation of success. Be true to yourself and your business. Not a "secret"!

"Secret" #8 - Goals

Be aware of what you want and how you want to get it. Do not go blindly into business without some planning of your goals and accomplishments. Use short term smaller goals to eventually reach your long term ultimate goal of success. Not a "secret"!

So we know in order to start and build a business, we must plan our goals, be prepared forrepparttar 123594 work and commitment of building that business, and that we must build a reputation of trust and professionalism.

I know we all knew that. It just helps to be reminded once in awhile! ;-)

************* Terri Seymour and her husband Terry of offer a no cost, home business opportunity. Apply online. Resources and more for your home business available at Free ecourse


Is Emotional Intelligence Just the Fad du Jour?

Written by Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

And then pick up your mother from eldercare, and go home to a loving relationship in a strong marriage that nurtures two children?

You'll need emotional intelligence!


It’s expensive in terms of lost money, opportunity, time, relationships, promotions, careers, projects, goals, accomplishments, self-esteem, marriages, physical and emotional health, and even life.

–75% of careers are derailed for reasons related to emotional competencies –70% ofrepparttar reasons why customers and clients are lost are EQ-related –50% of time wasted in business is due to lack of trust –Seniors get worse in hospitals whenrepparttar 123592 physical therapists don’t engage with them –Counseling clients fail to change because their counselors lack empathy or optimism –50% of marriages fail –Suicide isrepparttar 123593 3rd leading cause of death for youths aged 15-4 inrepparttar 123594 US –Think this is because of industrialized society? Think again. Samoa hasrepparttar 123595 highest suicide rate inrepparttar 123596 world. –Impulsive boys are 3-6x as likely to be violent adolescents –Low levels of empathy predict poor school performance –Gifted children manifest a near “blindness” to social cues which leads to isolated and sad childhoods –Doctors with poor EQ skills get sued more –75-90% of visits to primary care physicians inrepparttar 123597 US are due to stress-related problems –Pessimists live shorter, unhealthier, unhappier, lives, and are less likely to achieve their potential than optimists –College students in a study withrepparttar 123598 same IQ and GPA who did not write down their career goals with Intentionality were 50% less successful 15 years later –Perfectionism is potent. Perfectionists produce better work, get better grades, get enormous positive feedback. Perfectionists also have a markedly higher suicide rate.


*Work with an EQ coach. *Browse my website for resources, websites, books, articles *Take The EQ Foundation Course© ( *Subscribe to “It’s About My Personal & Professional Development” and “EQ inrepparttar 123599 Workplace” ezines. *Check out forrepparttar 123600 latest research and writing, and also research data confirmingrepparttar 123601 positive results EQ training can bring to an individual and also to an organization.

You know there's more involved in success and happiness than cognitive skills alone. Why not investigaterepparttar 123602 possibilities!

Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach, . EQ coaching, Internet courses, EQ coach training ( ), for individuals and organizations. for FREE ezine. Affiliates in UK, Australia, Malaysia. Ofrece coaching personal y cursos de Internet sobre inteligencia emotional (EQ). Se habla espanol.

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