The Neuro-Science Of Losing The Weight You Hate And Keeping It Off Past Summer

Written by John Assaraf

Continued from page 1

Throughrepparttar years we become conditioned to a certain internal “weight set point” Once this is done we don’t have to think aboutrepparttar 130150 day-to-day food intake and activities we need to do to maintain our internal image. This is exactly how we form our habits. Once any habit is ingrained in our brain we function automatically without thought to maintain that internal image. If you don’t like your current weight, you must break your old patterns and old conditioning atrepparttar 130151 non-conscious level or facerepparttar 130152 pain ofrepparttar 130153 yoyo syndrome. Your internal mental system operates exactly likerepparttar 130154 mechanism that keeps airplanes, missiles or boats on course once they have set their coordinates intorepparttar 130155 system.

The outer body is only an expression ofrepparttar 130156 internal image. If you want to see permanent changes onrepparttar 130157 outside, you must re-trainrepparttar 130158 mental image onrepparttar 130159 inside first. The most recent research suggests that it takes about 30 days of everyday mental training to “re-train”repparttar 130160 brain if you want long lasting and permanent weight loss. By doing a few simple visualization exercises seeing yourself at your perfect weight, you start to recondition your internal image and you begin to eraserepparttar 130161 old image.

The more you do thisrepparttar 130162 faster you’ll see results. The good news is that you can’t get a brain hernia if you overdo it.


Another simple technique you can use is a written positive affirmation. For example, declare:

·I now weigh xxxx. ·My body fat is xxxxx. ·I feel and look great ·I am at my ideal and perfect weight now

If you repeat reading this and really seeing it onrepparttar 130163 screen of your mind for at least 30 days, you’ll have a far superior chance of keeping to your ideal weight. You can also cut out photos ofrepparttar 130164 body type you like and paste your picture to it and review it as frequently as possible.

The reason for using present tense affirmations is simple. The non-conscious side of your brain does not knowrepparttar 130165 difference between an actual event and a lie or an imagined one and, it also does not understandrepparttar 130166 future. Once it is conditioned through repetition and real life or imagined experiences, it will immediately makerepparttar 130167 outside match up withrepparttar 130168 internal image.

John Assaraf New York Times @ Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author "The Street Kid's Guide to Having It All"

Movin' On: Taking Transhumanism In Stride

Written by Maya Talisman Frost

Continued from page 1

Transhumanists embrace these techniques and many more as a desirable progression toward utilizing technology as a tool for human improvement. They envision a time when we can eliminate disease, enhance memory, develop superior senses, and create physical bodies resistant to aging.

This build-a-better-human view isn't universally accepted, but it's important to look at how our ideas of "improvement" have changed overrepparttar years. Eyeglasses were once viewed as an unnecessary and unwelcome manipulation of our God-given eyesight. The current hot topics such as stem- cell research will one day elicitrepparttar 130147 same yawns with which we greet news of eyebrow lifts or fertility drug-induced twins.

What does it mean to go beyond human? As long as humans are in charge, is it possible to do anything that might be considered beyondrepparttar 130148 realm of human potential? Is there a need for ethical controls or legal restrictions if advances in science are seen asrepparttar 130149 desired result of natural human achievement? Is all fair in love and war--and science? We love ethical debates aboutrepparttar 130150 nature of nature. Instead of focusing on a particular new-fangled technique, we'd do well to frame our rejection or acceptance of transhumanism in terms ofrepparttar 130151 bigger picture--is technology a natural part of human evolution? Do we have a responsibility to use science as a tool to improverepparttar 130152 human experience- includingrepparttar 130153 human body? I'm always open to improving, and that goes for my definition of excellence. If we can develop superhuman brains and bodies, can we also look forward to tremendous gains in creativity and compassion? Transhumanists get us thinking aboutrepparttar 130154 potential for humanity overrepparttar 130155 long haul. Now that's excellent.

Maya Talisman Frost is a mind masseuse. Her work has inspired thinkers in over 90 countries. She serves up a satisfying blend of clarity, comfort and comic relief in her free weekly ezine, the Friday Mind Massage. To subscribe, visit

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