The Most Important Tip for Permanent Weight Loss

Written by Jill Fleming, MS, RD

Continued from page 1
Hunger-Satisfaction Scale (HSS): 10: Stuffed torepparttar point of feeling sick (“Thanksgiving-full!”) 9: Very uncomfortable, tired 8: Uncomfortably full 7: Feel you have eaten just a little bit too much 6: Comfortable, satisfied 5: Just noticingrepparttar 140096 first signs of hunger 4: Hungry, ready to eat 3: Very hungry 2: Extremely hungry, irritable 1: Starving, can’t concentrate, dizzy

© 2004 Jill M. Fleming. All rights reserved.

Jill Fleming, MS, RD is a Registered Dietitian & the author of the book Thin People Don’t Clean Their Plates. This book reveals the THIN CHOICES success strategies that promote both impressive and permanent weight loss results. With Jill’s natural ability to motivate others, she can teach anyone to apply these same strategies to their own busy life. Jill says, “Life is too short to live in a body that you don’t enjoy.”

The Importance of Snacks to Weight Loss

Written by Jill Fleming, MS, RD

Continued from page 1
•Quaker Potato Sticks. They are shaped like crinkle-cut French fries and come in Sour Cream and Onion or Chili Cheese Flavor. The Chili Cheese Flavor has quite a kick. One serving is 31 sticks and contains 110 calories and 4 grams of fat. •Quaker Corn Rings. These rings can be compared in flavor to Cheetos. The flavors are Cheddar Cheese, Nacho Cheese and BBQ. One serving is 24 rings with 110 calories and 3 grams of fat. I need to make healthy choices everyday to keep my weight where I like it. The 40 pounds that I lost 12 years ago is never far from my mind. Eating is one of my top five most enjoyable experiences inrepparttar world, with snacking being a large part ofrepparttar 140095 calories that I consume daily.

The Quakes snacks are loaded with flavor and keep my fat intake under control, even if I do choose to eat more than just one serving. My favorite snack isrepparttar 140096 Sour Cream and Onion potato sticks. I will count out a serving size (31 sticks), put them into a bowl and putrepparttar 140097 bag away. I have found that this will prevent me from eatingrepparttar 140098 entire bag.

Jill Fleming, MS, RD is a Registered Dietitian & the author of the book Thin People Don’t Clean Their Plates. This book reveals the THIN CHOICES success strategies that promote both impressive and permanent weight loss results. With Jill’s natural ability to motivate others, she can teach anyone to apply these same strategies to their own busy life. Jill says, “Life is too short to live in a body that you don’t enjoy.”

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