The Meaning of "NO"

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Continued from page 1

Some people have set up their autoresonders to send 5-7 follow-up notes. I refer to these as "nag notices". They must feel that if they "nag" you enough, you will give in and buy their product or service. I don't know about you, but with each one I get, my resistance stiffens.

Some people actually have their autoresponders set up so that after they send you allrepparttar notices, they start over again. I have one person trying to sell me their MLM that sends me several notes a week. As a point of interest, I allowed it to continue for awhile to see how far they would go. After I saw thatrepparttar 121943 notes were simply starting over, I put a filter in my email to trash any notes from this person. At this point I would never buy anything from them, and they could be selling five dollar bills for ten cents apiece and I would never know it.

We have all met pushy MLM salespeople who we avoid at all costs at a social gathering. Well these same obnoxious characters have now enlisted technology usingrepparttar 121944 Wonderful World ofrepparttar 121945 Web, but they are still obnoxious. These people, pure and simple are spammers, and to make matters worse, they don't give you any way to get off their mailing list.

Don't fall into this trap. Sure, it is cheap and easy and you can market with almost no effort on your part. But if you want to build an ongoing business onrepparttar 121946 web, learn "The Meaning of "NO".

Bob publishes the free weekly "Your Business" Newsletter Visit his Web Site at to subscribe and place a Free Ad for your business.


Written by Bob Leduc

Continued from page 1

Any promotional message to this group would have to be very general. But people don't respond to general talk. They respond only when they feel you are talking directly to them about their individual needs.

SPECIAL ADVANTAGE: A highly defined, small niche market can insulate you from competition. Other small businesses are likely to overlook it. Large businesses will findrepparttar market segment too small to bother with.


One way to find a good niche market is to evaluate your existing customers. Can you uncover a segment of customers with similar characteristics?

For example, I recently talked with an MLM distributor for a health products company. About a year ago she noticed that many distributors in her downline were health or physical education teachers. She now has a lot of success targeting a niche market of female physical education teachers who are married, have children and are members ofrepparttar 121942 same professional association.

Another way to find a niche market is to work backward from repparttar 121943 benefits you offer. Start by listing allrepparttar 121944 benefits provided by your product or service. Then list some ofrepparttar 121945 characteristics of prospects whose current situation can be dramatically improved by those benefits. You should begin to see a narrowly defined group emerge as a niche market.


How specific is your target market? Can you develop sales messages so sharply focused your prospects believe you're talking specifically to them? If not, userepparttar 121946 information in this article to help you find a niche market of your own. Then tailor your sales messages torepparttar 121947 specific interests and needs of that niche market. You'll see an immediate increase in your sales and profits.

Bob Leduc retired from a 30 year career of recruiting sales personnel and developing sales leads. For more information... Phone: (702) 658-1707 (After 10 AM Pacific time) Or write: Bob Leduc, PO Box 33628, Las Vegas, NV 89133

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