The Mathematecal Formula For Making Money: How To Apply Its Leverage To Increase Yor Profits Exponentially.

Written by Angelo Ioanides

Continued from page 1

I.e. for every % increase in effort you get a 1.49 % increase in profit. Observation: By simply increasingrepparttar number of levers you improve you magnify your leverage. In other words, forrepparttar 106124 same amount of effort,repparttar 106125 more levers you improverepparttar 106126 more your profits improve.

In this example we see that by spreading your effort over all five levers you increased your net profits by $29,766. Compared torepparttar 106127 $20,000 increase gained from improving only one variable we see that your profit growth is almost 50% greater for doing nothing more than spreading your resources over all five levers. Imagine allrepparttar 106128 extra money you could be generating right now without any extra effort. All it takes is a simple change in focus. Conclusion #1: To leverage your efforts for maximum returns you must focus on improving all five levers in your business. Next, let's demonstraterepparttar 106129 impact of improving all five variables by progressively larger amounts: Case #1: Improve all 5 levers by 10% each. Net profit = $32,210

Increase in Profit(%) = $12,210 (61%)

Effort(%) = 50% Profit to Effort ratio = 1.22:1 Case #2: Improve all 5 levers by 25% each. Net profit = $61,035

Increase in Profit(%) = $41,035 (205%)

Effort(%) = 125% Profit to Effort ratio = 1.64:1 Case #3: Improve all five levers by 50% each. Net profit = $151,875

Increase in Profit(%) = $131,875 (659%)

Effort(%) = 250% Profit to Effort ratio = 2.64:1 Case #4: Improve all 5 levers by 100% each. Net profit = $640,000

Increase in Profit(%) = $620,000 (3100%)

Effort(%) = 500% Profit to Effort ratio = 6.20:1 Observation: As you continue to improve all five leversrepparttar 106130 magnification factor on your net profit increases at an exponential rate. In this example we see that when we doubled our effort from case #2 to case #3 our leverage increased by 61% (i.e. ((2.64 - 1.64) ÷ 1.64) x 100). But when we doubled our efforts once more from Case #3 to case #4 our leverage increased by 135%

This has to be one ofrepparttar 106131 most magnificent realisations you could ever make in business. Conclusion: Never stop improving all five levers of your business. Clearly these two examples demonstraterepparttar 106132 power of leveraging all five variables in your business.

Tragically, most businesses seem to care about only one of these levers -repparttar 106133 number of leads. To make matters worse, of allrepparttar 106134 levers this one will cost yourepparttar 106135 most to improve! So if you're stuck inrepparttar 106136 'drive-more-traffic-to-my-business' trap - STOP! Instead, harnessrepparttar 106137 multiplying power of all five levers and you'll find that your profit to effort ratio will skyrocket.

Or to put it another way, by applying all five levers to your business (instead of only one) you will make more money with less effort.

Right about now you may be thinking to yourself, "That's all well and good in theory but how could I possibly increase all five levers by such large amounts?"

Although there are over 200 ways to amplify these levers space restrictions preclude me from discussingrepparttar 106138 how-to's here. What's important for now is that you understand ofrepparttar 106139 magnifying potential stored within this formula. With this understanding achieving a 100%, a 200% or even a 1000% increase in profit is well within your grasp.

Copyright © 2003 Angelo Ioanides

Learn how to systematically amplify all five levers of the Mathematical Formula For Making Money – quickly and easily. Enrol in the FREE Web Baron E-Class now.

Writing A Press Release

Written by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

Continued from page 1

Did you include a contact source?

Inrepparttar top, right-hand corner ofrepparttar 106123 first page, directly beneath your company name, there should be a line that states, "For further information, contact." A name and telephone number should follow. The editor must have somebody in your business to call to answer questions or to be interviewed about your news item. If you can only be reached during certain hours, specify them.

Have you included a dateline?

The best press releases have a dateline withrepparttar 106124 city in whichrepparttar 106125 business is based andrepparttar 106126 daterepparttar 106127 release is written. Every press release needs a dateline so thatrepparttar 106128 editor can tell when it was mailed. Nobody wants to cover an old story that has lost its timeliness.

The other morning during my favorite radio talk show they mentioned this guy who wrote a book about selling water beds which was coming out next week. How you do think this guy gotrepparttar 106129 radio stations to talk about got it - a press release or a publicist who sent a press release.

Copyright DeFiore Enterprises 2002

Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 17 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses.

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