The March Brown

Written by Cameron Larsen

Continued from page 1


March Brown’s tend to hatch early afternoon, which is nice, since early spring weather can berepparttar most brutal fishing weather ofrepparttar 133071 year. By afternoonrepparttar 133072 anxious fly fisherman stands a better chance of not being froze offrepparttar 133073 water. Spinner falls happen right at dusk, and usually occur over fast water. A popular technique hasrepparttar 133074 fly fisher looking downstream for a back eddy or pool that will hold a congregation of March Brown spinners. This often will result inrepparttar 133075 best March Brown fishing ofrepparttar 133076 season.

The Fishing:

Despite their winter hiatus from active feeding trout seem to emerge in Spring a little hesitant. And often times they may be uncharacteristically selective. Since March Brown’s are in faster water, it might be difficult to get a read on whatrepparttar 133077 trout are actually doing, if anything. If unsure I usually begin with a soft hackle Hare’s Ear, right belowrepparttar 133078 surface and see if fish are hittingrepparttar 133079 emerger. If no action there I will then sinkrepparttar 133080 fly or switch to a Beadhead Hare’s Ear. While always looking for some surface action.

When it does start up, be prepared it can be short-lived but well worthrepparttar 133081 effort. Especially early afternoon. And then forrepparttar 133082 intrepid line up your pool or back eddy forrepparttar 133083 very late spinner fall.

Ahh, at last Spring has arrived!

Cameron Larsen is a retired commericial fly tier and fly fishing guide. He now operates The Big Y Fly Company. Http:// He can be reached at This article will appear in the Big Y Fly Fishing E-Zine at Http://

Inspiring Baseball Quotes

Written by Aron Wallad

Continued from page 1

Stan Musial "I love to play this game of baseball - I love putting on this uniform." "When a pitcher's throwing a spitball, don't worry and don't complain, just hitrepparttar dry side like I do."

Derek Jeter "My dad had been shortstop when he was in college, and you know, when you're a kid, you want to be just like your dad." "My office is at Yankee stadium. Yes, dreams do come true."

For inspiring stories go here:

Aron Wallad has been a baseball lover for over 40 years. Writing about his favorite subject, baseball, has been a blessing for him. You will enjoy the tender stories, the unusual statistics and inspiring quotes. But mostly you will love the heartwarming stories that hit a home run to your heart.

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