The Magic of Thinking Small

Written by Mike Litman

Continued from page 1

Here's how I revolutionized my income.

Follow me closely.

When I was making $3k a month, my goal was $5k.

When I was making $10ka month, my goal was $12k.

When I was making $20k, my goal was $25k a month.

When I was making $50k a month, my goal was $65k.

And on and on and on.

The ONLY WAY TO SUCCEED is staying DISCIPLINED to takingrepparttar small steps. (read this again)

That's it.

I know too many people that have there 'head inrepparttar 100256 clouds'.

Allrepparttar 100257 potential inrepparttar 100258 world, but where are there results?

(this was me for years)

They think TO BIG.

START thinking smaller.

Start focusing on JUST THE NEXT STEP.

Most people in this industry have very little or even ZERO personal growth.

That was me for 7 years.

I had read over 3,100 books about success and I made ZERO dollars.

People have no personal growth because they NEVER REALLY START.

They just talk about starting.

Get off your ---!

Throw away your excuses.


Ask yourself.

What isrepparttar 100259 next step you can take?

What would be a realistic goal for me to shoot for next month?

People are also looking forrepparttar 100260 'hail mary'.

You're not going to 'get luckiy'.

Cut it out.


Yes, it's not easy.

Yes, it's tough.


How much money has 'thinking big' made you?

I challenge you to 'think smaller' for 30 days and watchrepparttar 100261 PROGRESS you make.

Myself and my company have coached thousands of people to HUGE success because we understand that 'inch by inch EVERYTHING is a cinch.'

I BELIEVE in having a DREAM and then 'thinking small'.

Get your head out ofrepparttar 100262 clouds and into reality.

What isrepparttar 100263 next step you can take in your business?

What isrepparttar 100264 next step you can take to improve yourself?

That's it. Focus on that. TAKE ACTION on that.

Step up.


Make your move.

There's MAGIC in thinking small, I don't care what any 'guru' tells you.

I've used this ONE secret to live my dreams at 30 years old.

Nobody gets married onrepparttar 100265 1st date.

Nobody goes to college afterrepparttar 100266 1st grade.

Success is about steps.

I know how GREAT you are.

It's time forrepparttar 100267 world to see it.

Never give up on your GREATNESS.


Mike Litman

Mike Litman is the co-author of the #1 Best-selling book Conversations with Millionaires. Over the last 3 years, Mike has unleashed the greatness of tens of thousands of people worldwide. Networking Times Magazine called Mike Litman ‘a modern day Napoleon Hill’ and at the age of 30 he’s already shared the stage with well-known speakers such as Mark Victor Hansen and Bob Proctor.

Some tips people need to know about internet business

Written by heshuo

Continued from page 1
it’s so horrible to face huge different advertisements, solicitations, or, spam. Like in real world, some marketer use some tricks to attract your eye ball by posting misleading messages. But, best thing isrepparttar best. There are still so many good resources to stop new marketer from frustration. For example, is a good resource for new network warrior. From newbie to top network marketer, you can get unlimited info and help promptly. This community is a friendly and helpful networking environment.

A Simple, Step-by-Step Plan to Make Money Online:

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