The Magic of Change

Written by Claudette Rowley

Continued from page 1

* Observe your thoughts and emotions objectively. Observing your thoughts and emotions heightens your awareness of them. Rather than simply being "in" them, you can also be conscious of them.

* Notice what you are resisting. You are in resistance when you are thinking something "should be different than it is." I want to make a distinction here. Often at work or in our personal lives, we see situations that definitely need to be addressed or improved. Here'srepparttar subtle difference where change is involved: When you notice something that you think should be different, first allow it. It is what it is. From a place of acceptance, you can choose whether to take action, say what needs to be said or do nothing.

* Refrain from judgment - judgment of yourself, others or situations. The moment you judge yourself, another person or a situation, you are in resistance and not present. The trick here is to keep noticing and observing any judgment. We are socially conditioned to judge, so most of do it unconsciously much ofrepparttar 104446 time. Caveat: It's easy to start judging yourself for judging. That's your mind looking for a way to take you out of presence. It's a common occurrence, so be attentive to it.

One ofrepparttar 104447 easiest ways to live is from consciousness - being present in each moment and aware of your thoughts, feeling and actions. Change is part ofrepparttar 104448 flow of life. Resisting it won't stop it; nothing will. You're as likely to prevent change as you are to stop ocean tides. Allow for change, allow it to be what it is. That'srepparttar 104449 magic.

Claudette Rowley, coach and author, helps professionals identify and pursue their true purpose and calling in life. Contact her today for a complimentary consultation at 781-676-5633 or Sign up for her free newsletter "Insights for the Savvy" at

MRI Brainwashing

Written by Stephen Bucaro

Continued from page 1

Now, students atrepparttar California Institute of Technology are having their brains scanned by an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machine while they view different advertisments. The machine displaysrepparttar 104445 activity in different parts of their brain. Advertisers want to learn what shapes, colors, and images createrepparttar 104446 most "brain buzz". This is called "neuromarketing".

Evolution has designed your brain to react in specific ways to specfic shapes, colors, and images. The goal of neuromarketing is to create advertising that your brain is unable to resist. Like a brainwashed prisoner,repparttar 104447 advertisement will program you to buyrepparttar 104448 product.

Neuromarketing will allow advertisers to bypass your rational thinking and individual choice in consumer decisions. Businesses no longer need to worry about offering a quality product or good value. If you look atrepparttar 104449 advertisement, your brian will be nerologically programmed to make you purchaserepparttar 104450 product, as if you where in a hypnotic trance. When advertisers tell you to buy a product, you will comply. Resistance is futile.

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