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What does or does not work is their personal success system. A good network marketer can earn a huge income in even worst of programs, with poorest compensation plans. But best program in world is not going to work for someone who doesn't understand how to be a successful network marketer and businessperson!
Some of these people finally do learn how to be successful. Usually it is only after wasting a lot of time and money. Unfortunately, most people finally quit in disgust and go out and give network marketing a bad name to their friends and family! And that makes it all harder for rest of us.
How many prospects have you talked to who tell you that their best friend "lost his shirt" in one of those "MLM pyramid scams?"
Contrary to popular belief, it takes training and education and investment to become a successful network marketer. No doctor was born with knowledge of how to practice medicine. Nor was any successful network marketer born with knowledge of successful recruiting and downline support.
Network marketing requires knowledge of effective marketing techniques, salesmanship, and basic business skills. If you are doing it online, it also requires computer and Internet skills, too.
On top of that, it requires ability to work with people, ability to follow a plan, discipline, and ongoing investment.
Fortunately, with proper training, none of this is very difficult to learn. We hear a lot about "duplication" in this industry. And that is really all duplication is: learning effective techniques, using them, and teaching your downline to do exactly same thing.
As professionals, it is essential that we pass that along to downline we are building. I am tired of seeing so many newcomers pass through revolving door. And I'm tired of hearing people refer to our business as a "pyramid scam."
Network marketing is a wonderful business. Almost anyone can learn to do it effectively and profitably if they are taught and if they have desire.
It offers average people means to a large income without a large initial investment. (But that doesn't mean it doesn't require investment). And it offers us personal freedom and time to pursue other goals in life, unlike most corporate jobs.
This is real message we should be sharing with prospects, not hype that abounds online. We may sponsor a few less people. But I suspect that we won't be sponsoring so many people that are in and out of revolving door giving our business a bad name.
Linda Bruton has been a full-time network marketer for over 15 years. Be sure to visit her Network Marketing Tips weblog for weekly tips, tricks, secrets and resources for building a full-time MLM business online.