The Lord of the Rings

Written by Rosana Hart

Continued from page 1

The theatrical releases were widely acclaimed (The Return ofrepparttar King won eleven Oscars), andrepparttar 138029 DVD versions ofrepparttar 138030 Lord ofrepparttar 138031 Rings are even better, including about eleven hours of material beyond what was shown in theaters. The popularity ofrepparttar 138032 books has reached new heights sincerepparttar 138033 films came out.

Naturally, people have created many items that can evoke this image-rich world, such as Lord ofrepparttar 138034 Ring posters. Whether you are reminded of Middle Earth by a poster or map on your wall or simply hold memories in your mind, you'll be touched byrepparttar 138035 great dramas which have meaning for us all.

Rosana Hart is a reference librarian turned webmaster. Visit her site at for a selection of popular posters and articles about their subjects.

"Sergio Leone and the Spaghetti Western"

Written by Sarah Anne Polsinelli

Continued from page 1

Morricone's hoof beats, whistling and use ofrepparttar human voice as an instrument becamerepparttar 138004 standard musical style ofrepparttar 138005 Spaghetti Western. Simple but eerie,repparttar 138006 nearly tangible presence ofrepparttar 138007 music was extraordinary and absolutely original. Leone made instant celebrities out of not just his music composer but Eastwood - who would star in his trilogy of Westerns: A Fistful of Dollars (1964), A Few Dollars More (1965) and The Good,repparttar 138008 Bad andrepparttar 138009 Ugly (1966).

In a scene in A Fistful of Dollars, one ofrepparttar 138010 characters gets shot and a close-up of his face reveals thick, red blood gushing out of his mouth. By today's standards it would have no impact onrepparttar 138011 average viewer, but 40 years ago it was monumental. From then on filmmakers began to allot a large part of their film budget to what was called a "blood budget".

Critics attacked these films for their gratuitous violence, but audiences loved them. And Leone's revamped Western formula was imitated for years to follow.

Then "The Other Sergio," Sergio Corbucci, showed up in 1966 with Django. Critics had a field day with this film, and it was banned in several markets. Its nauseating brutality (I shut my eyes and covered my ears!) became part ofrepparttar 138012 formula. The most brutal ofrepparttar 138013 Spaghettis is one ofrepparttar 138014 30 unofficial Django sequels (yes, 30), aptly named Django Kill! (1967) Aside from beingrepparttar 138015 most sadistic, with elements like torture, vampire bats, a crucifixion and an army of homosexual outlaws, it's also by farrepparttar 138016 strangest.

Leone only made a total of five Spaghetti Westerns, releasing his final film in 1972 and retiring from his self-made genre when he noticed that audiences were mockingrepparttar 138017 film titles and contrived storylines.

Naturally, filmmakers began to spoofrepparttar 138018 films, and a plethora of Western comedies followed. But byrepparttar 138019 mid-'70s,repparttar 138020 Spaghetti Western genre faded away.

I haven't always been a fan of this genre, it just happened by fluke. These films defy description. The whole magic is inrepparttar 138021 rattling ofrepparttar 138022 spurs andrepparttar 138023 cutaways to Eastwood's squinting glare. Next time you're at Blockbuster move away fromrepparttar 138024 New Releases wall (they all suck, anyway) and pick up a copy of The Good,repparttar 138025 Bad andrepparttar 138026 Ugly. You'll be hooked, and I ain't just whistlin' Dixie.

Student writer, professional daydreamer. Go to for a complete list of articles.

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