The Legacy You Leave

Written by Rick Beneteau

Continued from page 1

Will others have trusted you with their inner most secrets?

Will you have forgiven and offered heartfelt apology?

Will you have looked forrepparttar very best, and done your utmost to build worth, in others?

Will you have fed a hungry child or clothed a naked man or given hope to a stranger in dire need?

Will you have left this world a better place byrepparttar 124053 life you have lived?

Ask yourself, what kind of Legacy will You Leave?

Rick is the author of 3 top-selling eBooks at: and the purveyor of those amazing traveling billboards called I.D. IT! Plates:

Subscribe FREE to The Mirror - Your E-chievement Ezine:

The Ice Cream 'Comb' Story

Written by Rick Beneteau

Continued from page 1

We happily continued our stroll intorepparttar familiar section ofrepparttar 124052 mall. An eerie silence ensued, which I was admittedly uncomfortable with. I couldn't resist breaking it.

"Aren't you gonna tell daddy what you wished for?"

She retorted "I wished I could get an ice-cream comb".

I just about lost it right then and there. Couldn't imagine whatrepparttar 124053 shoppers thought of this lunatic laughing uncontrollably inrepparttar 124054 middle of a crowded mall. And needless to say, she got her wish, and two treats.

Little did I know then that my beautiful little girl would soon embark on a long road of seizures, surgeries, special schools, medications and end up partially paralyzed on her right side. She never learned to ride a bike.

Today, she is almost seventeen. She cannot use her right hand and walks with a noticeable limp. But she has overcome what life seemed to so cruelly inflict on her. She was teased a lot and always struggled in school, both socially and academically. But each year she showed improvement. She is planning a career in early childhood education. With one year still remaining in high school, her and I, one night not too long ago mapped out allrepparttar 124055 courses she would need to take in community college. It was her idea. She volunteers weekly at a local hospital, onrepparttar 124056 children's floor. She baby-sits a neighbors children five days a week. On her own this year, she stood outside in line for four hours on a cold Canadian January afternoon and enrolled herself, with her own babysitting money, into two courses she felt she would need for college.

You see, to her failure was never an option.

It would almost be redundant for me to explain why I wanted to share this story with you. She IS my daughter and I carry all those fatherly biases with me wherever I go. But these aside, she is a very exceptional person and one that I admire and have learned a lot from.

It is my sincerest hope that her story will have even a momentary positive impact on you as a human being, a parent, a spouse or even, an entrepreneur.

I'd like to leave you with a closing thought. As human beings, we deserve allrepparttar 124057 treats, andrepparttar 124058 multitude of good things that life can offer us. We all have wishes and dreams, ANDrepparttar 124059 power to make them reality. Just simple truths ofrepparttar 124060 universe.

We can wish for, and get, that ice-cream comb.

Rick is the author of 3 top-selling eBooks at: and the purveyor of those amazing traveling billboards called I.D. IT! Plates:

Subscribe FREE to The Mirror - Your E-chievement Ezine:

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