Continued from page 1
We must not forget to include certain food manufacturers that produce potato chips, candies, chocolates, and other "junk foods," categorized as "high fat" content products. Apparently, these items, too have and are wreaking havoc on human bodies everywhere. Plaque from fatty acids is continually building up in our heart arteries and capillaries as we munch away on these delectable treats. Eventually, we end up with Heart disease, and myocardial infarctions --
cause -- your friendly "junk food" industry. Perhaps these unsuspecting businesses must too bare responsibility for
products that we (as individuals) CHOOSE to consume or ingest.
Another probability in
lawsuit assembly lines, is
produce industry. Chemical solutions that are used to repel fungi, disease and other parasites are traditionally utilized on many of our fruits, vegetables and beans. So, you forgot to wash that apple and decided to eat it anyway -- now you've been placed in a complex situation. You may just have ingested chemical compounds that will eventually cause and lead to some form of cancer -- and ultimately -- your own demise. Do we now bring a case against
apple grower or
chemical producer? Hmmm... tough decision. Why not sue both?
Less we not forget
notorious cocaine manufacturers and distributors. Countless persons die of cocaine, crack and other substance abuse on a daily basis. But ah -- we don't have
information to sue them. We can only prevent
use of it. In essence -- prevention is key.
The fact is, we live in a society where numerous unhealthy products are created, manufactured, distributed and sold to consumers. The point being that we CANNOT hold every company responsible for OUR OWN ACTIONS. The nice thing about America, is that we have a distinct CHOICE whether or not to use certain products. When our overuse, misuse or general use of a product comes with repercussions, we must choose to accept our own fate and learn from it.
Regretfully, not all persons learn from their addictions, or effects of product usage. To those who are left behind, or to
survivors, I leave you with one piece of advice: Live. Learn. Prevent. Suing industries for our own choices, is a travesty to America and will ultimately lead to irrevocable circumstances. A good film to watch that will enlighten one's perspective on "too many laws," is "Demolition Man," starring Sylvester Stallone.
I welcome your comments.
(c) 2004 Lady Camelot All Rights Reserved.

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