The Language of Intuition

Written by Claudette Rowley

Continued from page 1

Most frequently, though, intuition shows up inrepparttar dialect ofrepparttar 129860 ordinary. Ordinary, everyday intuition usually doesn't set off fireworks or makerepparttar 129861 6 o'clock news. Everyday intuition often takesrepparttar 129862 form of a seemingly fleeting inner comment such as "I really should call Ken and tell him about my new business idea," or "You know, every time I drive by that restaurant, I feel compelled to stop." We often dismiss these comments for two reasons: Intuition doesn't necessarily inform us in advance why it's important to do or say something, and soon after we hear an intuitive comment, our inner critic jumps in to say, "Now there's a stupid idea."

How can I get to know my individual intuitive dialect?

- Noticerepparttar 129863 fleeting inner comments. Experiment with following repparttar 129864 direction of these messages even when your inner critic makes a judgmental comment.

- What seems persistent or insistent in your life? That may be your intuition talking to you.

- View intuition as a sixth sense. Use it as you would your eyes, ears, nose, mouth or skin.

- Ask your intuition a question and listen for an answer. That answer will come from your intuition.

- Notice if your body is intuitive. Do you get a pain in your neck when something is a "pain inrepparttar 129865 neck?" Sometimes I develop headaches when there's something I don't want to think about or when I think too much. Both are intuitive messages.

- Use your energy levels as a barometer. As your energy rises, plummets, shifts, centers, grounds or ungrounds you, what do you notice? Energy and intuition are intimately connected.

Become acquainted with your intuition; view it as an immensely informative language to learn. The difference between learning a spoken language such as Portugese and learningrepparttar 129866 language of intuition is that learning Portugese requires external resources while intuition requires onlyrepparttar 129867 internal. You have allrepparttar 129868 tools you need to learn your own intuitive dialect. With practice, you'll be fluent!

Claudette Rowley, coach and author, helps professionals identify and pursue their true purpose and calling in life. Contact her today for a complimentary consultation at 781-676-5633 or Sign up for her free newsletter "Insights for the Savvy" at

Moving? 10 Ways to Create a Joyful, Less-Stressed Experience

Written by Carolyn Beale (

Continued from page 1

4. Create a word or visual picture of your ideal living space, focusing on what it would like to actually BE there. The actual physical dwelling may not be exactly what you visualized, butrepparttar individual attributes can still be present: for example, my new home is in a beautifully treed setting with ample light and a view ofrepparttar 129859 mountains, several ofrepparttar 129860 characteristics that were most important to me.

5. Continue to care for your physical body: get enough rest, take your vitamins and be sure to remain hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

6. Schedule loosely. Create a week by week schedule of moving-related tasks, and be flexible about completing them. Try to tacklerepparttar 129861 large projects early: getting some ofrepparttar 129862 “big” things out ofrepparttar 129863 way early clears your energies to focus on handlingrepparttar 129864 details.

7. Enlistrepparttar 129865 support of friends, relatives and co-workers. Almost everyone knows what it’s like to move; whether it’s upstairs to a different apartment or acrossrepparttar 129866 country, moving entails extra work and time. Don’t be afraid to ask others for help!

8. Recharge yourself: meditate, sing, dance, walk outside – do whatever it requires to keep you from feeling burned out. Know that investing time in yourself will reap huge rewards in stress-reduction and patience onrepparttar 129867 big day.

9. Focus onrepparttar 129868 big picture: don’t become overwhelmed by detail. It WILL all get packed, moved, and unpacked eventually, so use humor to lighten things up as often as possible.

10. Remember that you are ultimately a beloved, protected, celebrated child ofrepparttar 129869 Universe, bestowed withrepparttar 129870 twin powers of free will and deliberately conscious creation. A move can signal momentous changes in your life, so focus your attention and appreciation on your most positive outcome.

Happy Moving!

Carolyn Beale is a freelance author and publisher of, A Celebration of Abundance: Body, Mind & Spirit. Subscribe to her complimentary bi-weekly Ezine, a delightful assortment of tidbits to satisfy your senses, stimulate your curiosity, and soothe your spirit. Features include uplifting articles, empowering quotations, selected artwork, recommended websites, guest columnists, and much more.

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