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3.Link popularity is very important for your ranking with
search engines and to drive traffic to your site, visitors you may not have reached otherwise. Reciprocal links (links from other sites to yours) are what you are after, but in order to get them you have to put their links on your pages.
4.Targeted traffic is another big one! You don’t want someone coming to your site if they are not even interested you what you have to offer. Be very careful when paying for targeted traffic, they may promise targeted but that may not be what you get.
If you are new to all of this and have not built a Web site, my site is perfect for you, but I have a few tips for you as well:
1.All of
above tips will apply to you soon, so it might be a good idea to write them down or just print this page.
2.Be careful when selecting a Web host, Web builder, domain name and Promotion.
3.Make sure
Web host you choose do not allow Spam, because if they do then when another site that is hasted and
same place gets banned then you maybe as well. They also have a little bit to do with getting ranked with
search engines, too!
4.With Web site builders, make sure it is
one that is right for you and your product/services. Some, you have to know HTML’s or they are a bear to figure out how to use. Some may not have
support you need for what you want to do. Some will charge you an arm and a leg for
same service you can get else where for a better price and better support.
5.There is a trick to picking
right domain name and promoting your site. The domain name needs to be unique but not to unique. When promoting your site and trying to drive traffic to your site, be sure you read
fine print and don’t waste your time submitting your site or paying to have it submitted.
Well, I hope this has helped you and if you have any questions or need some guidance, please visit my site at or e-mail.
Good luck,
Veronica Bath

I’m a mother of two wonderful boys. My mission is to help people with their goals of becoming their own boss or just make extra money. I have been scammed big time before and want to help other avoid doing the same thing.
My Website is for this purpose, “Home Based Business Opportunities Central” at !