The Junk Heap That Heals

Written by Virginia Reeves

Continued from page 1

"It would probably be fair to say that most social problems arerepparttar result -- directly or indirectly--of someone's low self-concept.

Not too many years ago, I was going through a dark time in my life. So what changed? Was it outward circumstances? Did my environment change and with it my inner experience? No.

Somehow I knew that for things to change it would have to be me who would have to change. It would be an inner transformation that would eventually alterrepparttar 101859 outward experience. Some ofrepparttar 101860 things I did unconsciously. Others were done with deliberation."

Mr. Angier goes on to state that he removed himself from people who had been critical and found he gained a better perspective. He read books of inspiration which gave him hope. He saw a therapist. He focused on his strengths, talents, and knowledge. When he felt negative thoughts coming on, he'd redirect his mind to something else. No more pity parties were indulged. He kept busy, not knowing what his future would bring - he took one day at a time.

"And each day I did what I could to clean up my messes, make things better, keep my focus forward instead of backward and keeprepparttar 101861 faith. It was my faith in Universal Spirit that helped me get through this 'winter of discontent'. I believe that everyone has a unique purpose and I was determined to discover mine. God doesn't make junk."

Michael endsrepparttar 101862 article with this: "You're either building yourself up or tearing yourself down. There is no status quo when it comes to your self-image."

I hope that these two pieces have opened up your thought patterns and will encourage you to release negativity, junk, or emotional baggage you may be harboring and lugging around. Release it into your visualized nightly junk pile, or write it down and then burn or rip to shredsrepparttar 101863 piece of paper, or go outside and vent it verbally while lettingrepparttar 101864 breeze carry it away. May you find peace and increased energy.

Copyright 2002 by Virginia Reeves. This article may be reprinted; inform the author via For more on creativity, success, communication, and enhancing your skills and talents for more growth, please click on or (for free bi-monthly e-zine)

7 Ways to Get More Work Done

Written by Virginia Reeves

Continued from page 1

5. Take a break if you start feeling stressful. Once you are distracted by emotion it's that much harder to give your full attention torepparttar present task. It's best if you don't lose what concentration you've built up to that moment by talking to others. Instead take some deep breaths, gaze outrepparttar 101858 window, take a short walk, or listen to instrumental music for a few minutes. Once you finishrepparttar 101859 job, then take a longer break to relax before moving on torepparttar 101860 next item you need to accomplish.

6. Do your best to block out everything else. Obviously, this is much easier said than done. Becoming preoccupied with what will happen when you finish this project tends to make your thoughts more scattered. You need to be focused onrepparttar 101861 present moment. Your thinking must be that right now, this isrepparttar 101862 most important project to you. It should berepparttar 101863 only thing in your consciousness while working on it.

7. Believe that you are capable of attaining whateverrepparttar 101864 end goal is. How many of you playedrepparttar 101865 card game of Concentration where you had to matchrepparttar 101866 cards as they were flipped over? You paid attention torepparttar 101867 location of cards, you developed a ritual for remembering where certain cards were, you didn't leaverepparttar 101868 game until it was finished, you told yourself and/or your partner that you were going to win, and you were elated (or atrepparttar 101869 least quite satisfied) when you ended up with lots of matched pairs.

Here's to improved concentration in whatever you do whether it be work oriented, scholastic, social, sports, or anything else.

Copyright 2002 by Virginia Reeves. This article may be reprinted; inform the author via For more on creativity, success, communication, and enhancing your skills and talents for more growth, please click on or (for free bi-monthly e-zine)

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