The Joy of Spirit

Written by Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

Continued from page 1

Joy, like love and truth, is a gift of Spirit. Joy, love and truth enter your being when your heart is open. Joy isrepparttar feeling of exuberance and oneness that envelopes you once you have opened to feeling your pain, learning from it, and moving through it. Joy cannot enter your heart when you are protected against your pain. When you protect against your pain, you close your heart to avoidrepparttar 123501 pain, and joy cannot enter a closed heart. Thus, joy isrepparttar 123502 result of doing your inner work to learn to keep your heart open.

Sometimes I am amazed by this feeling of joy. I used to think that my joy would come from good things happening outside of myself. I certainly love for good things to happen, but often I find myself feeling great joy even when nothing is happening!

I feel joy when my Inner Child feels loved by me, important to me, cherished by me, seen by me, valued by me. I feel joy when I attend to my wants and needs, saying "no" to others when I mean no, and "yes" to others when I mean yes. I feel joy when my Inner Child feels safe inside, knowing that I am taking care of her, knowing that I am connecting with my spiritual Guidance each moment so that we are not alone.

Joy is your birthright. It's what makes life worth living. Once you taste it, you will want more and more of it. Yet too many people stay stuck in their safety zone, thinking that protecting against pain and trying to get love is what will make them safe and happy. But do you really feel safe inside? Are your protections really working to create safety within? If you are willing to be honest with yourself and see that your protections aren't working, then maybe you will open your heart and embrace your pain, with a deep desire to learn what you may be doing that is causing it, so that you can feelrepparttar 123503 joy of Spirit.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?", "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By My Kids?", "Healing Your Aloneness","Inner Bonding", and "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?" Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: or

Desire, Descopline, Dedication

Written by Pavel Lenshin

Continued from page 1

From now on you know what isrepparttar answer for question about features of successful entrepreneur. In short it is desire, discipline & dedication in your strive to succeed. These 3Ds will make you or break you.

You may even fail in doing business for a number of reasons - wrong product, bad marketing plan, financial losses etc. - but still entrepreneur with a dedication to succeed will stand up and start a new venture, no matter how hard it will be. You may really fail when you stop moving ahead only. The rest is useless excuses. Skepticism and pessimism are unable to fetch yourepparttar 123500 life of your dreams. Success is achieved by systematic active deeds that are offsprings of strong desire, dedication and discipline.

Very few people are eligible to run offline business, having endless enthusiasm and blind dedication. The majority of us don't have required features, so what should we do?

The beauty ofrepparttar 123501 Internet is that it broughtrepparttar 123502 whole business straight to your armchair. It cannot be easier to run private business withrepparttar 123503 existence ofrepparttar 123504 Internet. It is like playing simulator games, withrepparttar 123505 only difference is that there are real people, real relations and real money. That is why online business makes it accessible for any "lazy-bone" like me to succeed and brings five times more pleasure and excitement than any game can.

Don't miss that fantastic, once in a lifetime opportunity.


Pavel Lenshin is a publisher of NET Business Magazine, professional web-developer and CEO of: - - informational portal and provider of discounted internet services for entrepreneurs, including internet access, web-design and hosting; - - a must-have business library.

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