The Irish Issue

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Continued from page 1

What a wonderfully careful Government it was, too. The movie Far and Away portrays a little ofrepparttar situation and Michael Collins with Liam Neeson states there had been 700 years of war in its opening scroll. The English sent scientists to discoverrepparttar 132255 effects of blight on potato crops as well asrepparttar 132256 effects of starvation on people, despite their lesser 'civilized' nature. They didn't even return a reasonable portion ofrepparttar 132257 taxes they collected from Ireland duringrepparttar 132258 Famine. The papers in London ridiculed and satirized (inrepparttar 132259 inimitable English intellect of Hume et. al.)repparttar 132260 'unsettled' or adle-brained drunken Irish, who could offer no more resistance.

"As they were unable to pay rack rent torepparttar 132261 absentee landlord, thousands ofrepparttar 132262 starving ones were thrown out, and other thousands threatened to be thrown out of their wretched homes, to perish onrepparttar 132263 roadside. In consequence frenzied poor men shot a few ofrepparttar 132264 vilest ofrepparttar 132265 land-agents and landlords. Atrepparttar 132266 opening ofrepparttar 132267 Parliament in January '46, Queen Victoria, addressing her 'Lords and Gentlemen' observed, with deep regret,repparttar 132268 fearful situation In Ireland-adding-'It will be our duty to consider whether any measure can be devised, calculated to give peace and protection for life there.'

The simple reader, who knows notrepparttar 132269 way ofrepparttar 132270 British with Ireland, would here naturally come torepparttar 132271 conclusion thatrepparttar 132272 tender-hearted gentlewoman, full of sympathy… was directing her Parliament to try to save a multitude of lives. But this would be a mistaken conclusion. She was here referring torepparttar 132273 handful of Anglo-Irish landlords and agents, whose lives must solicitously be protected whilst, in trying times, they were endeavouring to hack and hew their usual pound of flesh fromrepparttar 132274 walking skeletons inrepparttar 132275 bogs and mountains of Ireland. Some of these thoughtless ones were in danger of slaying a landlord rather than see him slay their famished wife, or hollow-eyed children. Hencerepparttar 132276 good Queen advised her 'Lords and Gentlemen' that a stringent Coercion Bill was needed, and must be provided to relieverepparttar 132277 unfortunate conditions prevailing in Ireland. [3] [3]-Notes: Among other benefits whichrepparttar 132278 excellent Bill proposed to confer uponrepparttar 132279 suffering people, it rendered liable to fourteen years transportation away for anyone found out of his own house afterrepparttar 132280 sun set inrepparttar 132281 evening and before it arose inrepparttar 132282 morning. Inrepparttar 132283 operation of this beneficial Act many things occurred, that to an outsider might seem strange. For instance John Mitchell records such happenings as that of a quiet respectable farmer, who on a summer evening, whenrepparttar 132284 sun was near setting, strolled a short way downrepparttar 132285 road to pay his working-men and walking back whenrepparttar 132286 sun had just sunk-though it was still broad daylight-was arrested for heinous crime against 'the Queen and Constitution of this realm.’" (6)

Hitler had to pay his guards just likerepparttar 132287 Turks who maderepparttar 132288 first fenced concentration camps around this time (forrepparttar 132289 care ofrepparttar 132290 Armenians). Of courserepparttar 132291 ghettoes were a form of concentration camp that costrepparttar 132292 administrative countries that had Jews a very little amount of money. This was especially true when they were inclined periodically to dispossess them of their treasure. The Romish churchians had learnedrepparttar 132293 benefits of not being an Empire and having to sharerepparttar 132294 booty withrepparttar 132295 citizens of Rome in earlier times. Christianity should be studied asrepparttar 132296 pre-eminent marketing plan of this whole era we call 'his'-story. Is there a possibility thatrepparttar 132297 Jews andrepparttar 132298 Irish are a threat to someone for something to do with history? Is it their inclination to regard Jesus as a man who preached truths likerepparttar 132299 divinity and freedom of each soul while on Earth? You would have to study what went on atrepparttar 132300 Synod of Whitby in 664 AD in order to get a feel forrepparttar 132301 reasonrepparttar 132302 date of Easter had to be changed and to knowrepparttar 132303 Celtic Church and their monastic Orders like Iona (inrepparttar 132304 Emerald Isles and in places likerepparttar 132305 Greek Islands) were a real threat to Rome. Then you would knowrepparttar 132306 Jewish and Irish perception that Jesus was a prophet and not a Messiah was part of it.

The Irish were hounded and pursued, ridiculed and beat upon in all ways or methods available to man. In America as indentured slaves or Civil War soldiers (both sides,repparttar 132307 Rebel Yell isrepparttar 132308 Keltic war cry) they were worse off thanrepparttar 132309 blacks or Chinese. Overrepparttar 132310 course of a long time they lost evenrepparttar 132311 bulk of their verbal tradition. Their knowledge ofrepparttar 132312 Celtic Cultural Age some call Atlantis is almost non-existent. The Ossianic tales and legends bear close scrutiny despite what Hume and Gibbon have written. Taliesin was more of a fabricator or fancy and Frank Lloyd Wright was enamoured of him. It is worth notingrepparttar 132313 status ofrepparttar 132314 blacks inrepparttar 132315 Christian church as well asrepparttar 132316 excellent civil rights record of this church that has beenrepparttar 132317 dominant force in Western society through allrepparttar 132318 Crusades and other heretical inquisitions and divisive tactics. Gradualistic god-guided 'chosen ones' who reach rapture orrepparttar 132319 Goff, due to their elitist prejudices are soon going to get their karmic due I hope. The cells of cultural adepts likerepparttar 132320 de Danaan are getting more support as archaeology uncovers things like Gimbutas' Old European alphabet even ifrepparttar 132321 gods of archaeology cling to Sumer like they did to Clovis. Richard Rudgely isn'trepparttar 132322 only one to notice if things don't fitrepparttar 132323 prevailing theory they require different standards or are thought to be a hoax. His credentials are impeccable just as were Campbell's and Gimbutas'. guest expert Author of Diverse Druids Columnist in The ES Press Magazine

The Misanthropic Altruist

Written by Sam Vaknin

Continued from page 1

Faced with such (mis)perceived injustice – and oncerepparttar relationship is clinched andrepparttar 132253 victim is "hooked" –repparttar 132254 narcissist tries to minimize his contributions. He regards his input as a contractual maintenance chore andrepparttar 132255 unpleasant and inevitable price he has to pay for his Narcissistic Supply.

After many years of feeling deprived and wronged, some narcissists lapse into "sadistic generosity" or "sadistic altruism". They use their giving as a weapon to taunt and tormentrepparttar 132256 needy and to humiliate them. Inrepparttar 132257 distorted thinking ofrepparttar 132258 narcissist, donating money gives himrepparttar 132259 right and license to hurt, chastise, criticize, and beraterepparttar 132260 recipient. His generosity, feelsrepparttar 132261 narcissist, elevates him to a higher moral ground.

Most narcissists confine their giving to money and material goods. Their munificence is an abusive defense mechanism, intended to avoid real intimacy. Their "big-hearted" charity renders all their relationships – even with their spouses and children – "business-like", structured, limited, minimal, non-emotional, unambiguous, and non-ambivalent. By doling out bounteously,repparttar 132262 narcissist "knows where he stands" and does not feel threatened by demands for commitment, emotional investment, empathy, or intimacy.

Inrepparttar 132263 narcissist's wasteland of a life, even his benevolence is spiteful, sadistic, punitive, and distancing.

Sam Vaknin ( ) is the author of Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited and After the Rain - How the West Lost the East. He served as a columnist for Central Europe Review, PopMatters, and eBookWeb , and Bellaonline, and as a United Press International (UPI) Senior Business Correspondent. He is the the editor of mental health and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory and Suite101.

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