The Informal Normal in a Black-Tie-Affair World

Written by Stanley J. Leffew

Continued from page 1

This Black-Tie-Affair mindset causes many couples to strive to keep up withrepparttar Joneses torepparttar 101572 point of being maxed out torepparttar 101573 hilt in financial demise from debt. Money issues are cited as one ofrepparttar 101574 biggest reasons forrepparttar 101575 breakdown inrepparttar 101576 family leading to divorce.

Are you struggling withrepparttar 101577 fantasy?

Are you confused with allrepparttar 101578 hoopla?

Is this life reality?

Is this relational reality?

Is it reality?

If it is, I must be missing something. I must have made a wrong turn inrepparttar 101579 road somewhere. Most ofrepparttar 101580 families I know must have maderepparttar 101581 wrong turn with me.

Although my wife and I love each other very much, much of our relationship life is spent, well, INFORMALLY NORMAL.

A day inrepparttar 101582 life for most couples is spent:

* Punchingrepparttar 101583 old inevitable time clock.

* Doingrepparttar 101584 dishes andrepparttar 101585 laundry.

* Cooking.

* Paying bills.

* Fighting colds, headaches and fatigue.

* Changing diapers.

* Bathingrepparttar 101586 kids and getting them ready for bed.

* Getting uprepparttar 101587 next day and doing it all over again.

Most ofrepparttar 101588 world struggles with getting up, getting old, getting fat, getting sick or simply getting by.

So, do yourself a favor. Stop buying in to allrepparttar 101589 hoopla and falsehood.

If you get caught in this web of deceit, you just may miss out on what really matters - faith, family, character and integrity.

The last time I checked, love wasn't defined byrepparttar 101590 word MONEY.

For words that better define love you may want to consider: commitment, sacrifice, support, unselfishness, home building, encouragement, forgiveness, planning and working together.

Maybe a bit informal and normal...maybe not as flashy as dollar signs...but ironically, a lot richer!

(C)Copyright 2004 by Stanley J. Leffew ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!

Stanley J. Leffew is the Author of, "How To Be Wanted for a Lifetime of Nights and Not Just a Night of a Lifetime." His Website is based on this same theme. His Site's unique Newsletter takes it's readers into "The Coffee Shop of Make-Believe" for life and relationship empowerment. The Coffee Shop is OPEN at

Hunt around for the best online book bargains and save 60% on your next read

Written by Tukshad Engineer

Continued from page 1
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