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Miss Congeniality Miss Rhode Island: Once I stole a pair of red underwear from department store. My mom wouldn't buy them for me. She said they were Satan's panties!
Office Space Movie Quote Page Michael Bolton: If we get caught, we're not going to white-collar resort prison. No, no. We're going to federal POUND ME IN THE ASS prison!
Royal Tenenbaums, The Royal: I'm very sorry for your loss. Your mother was a terribly attractive woman.
Van Wilder Quote Page Van Wilder: I know Ms. Pac-Man is special. She's fun. She's cute. She swallows.
Zoolander Movie Quote Page Derek Zoolander: Rufus, Brint, and Meekus were like brothers to me. And when I say brother, I don't mean, like, an actual brother, but I mean it like way black people use it.
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