The Importance of a Marketing Plan

Written by Joy Gendusa

Continued from page 1

iii)How often do they update their information? They should be able to answer this question and should be updating their information monthly.

You can get burnt on mailing lists – it isrepparttar most expensive part of your campaign. Ask friends who own businesses. Don’t just purchase fromrepparttar 119737 first person that tries to sell you mailing lists. Do your research.

3. Select what media to use. (i.e., Direct Mail, Television, Radio, etc.)

This decision will depend on both your budget and your target market. If you have not done a good deal of marketing inrepparttar 119738 past we recommend picking one media to start. This is much easier to keep track of and you will better be able to tell whether or not it is working. Also, since repetition isrepparttar 119739 key to marketing success, using one media to begin with will help you reachrepparttar 119740 same people multiple times. If you run a newspaper ad and send out a postcard, you runrepparttar 119741 risk ofrepparttar 119742 majority ofrepparttar 119743 people only seeing your ad once. However, if you send outrepparttar 119744 postcard twice you can guarantee that you get your message torepparttar 119745 same people twice and you will start to build recognition.

Once you are gettingrepparttar 119746 returns that you want fromrepparttar 119747 first media, or if you decide that it is not working for you, you can branch out into another form of advertising. Over time you will build up a very diverse marketing plan.

4. Make a Schedule and Stick with It.

Figure out how many people you have in your target market. For this example we will use Direct Mail Marketing. If you have a mailing list of people in your target market that has 1500 names, figure out how many times per month you can mail a postcard to them and still stay within your monthly budget. Once you come up with this number, do it!

The importance of having a marketing plan cannot be stressed enough. Create one and follow it and you’ll start seeingrepparttar 119748 benefits.

Joy Gendusa founded PostcardMania in 1998; her only assets a computer and a phone. In 2004 the company did close to $9 million in sales and employs over 60 persons. She attributes her explosive growth to her ability to choose incredible staff and her innate marketing savvy. Now she’s sharing her marketing secrets with others. For more free marketing advice, visit her website at

Increase New Customer Traffic to Your Business

Written by Joy Gendusa

Continued from page 1

Each time this happens you will receiverepparttar $25 credit and there is no limit, so feel free to go crazy referring your friends to us. If you refer enough people who become customers you could end up getting your next order FREE.”

When you set up your own referral program you will want to do two things:

First, make sure thatrepparttar 119736 incentive you offer to your customers is in proportion torepparttar 119737 price of what you are selling. If your least expensive service is $5000, then a $25 discount is probably not going to be enough to get them interested in spreadingrepparttar 119738 word.

And secondly, you need to promote it. Make sure that your customers know aboutrepparttar 119739 new reward program by:

1) Having your sales associates mention it whenever someone places an order.

2) Posting notices in your business if you have customer foot traffic.


3) Sending out announcements to your customer address list on a regular basis.

All of these things will help you to increaserepparttar 119740 number of customers that you receive through word of mouth, and atrepparttar 119741 same time help keep down your marketing costs. Is this a great idea or what?

Offering discounts or special incentives to customers who refer another person or company to your business is a win-win situation.

Rewardrepparttar 119742 customers that reward you. One ofrepparttar 119743 greatest compliments is when someone refers another or others to your business.

Joy Gendusa founded PostcardMania in 1998; her only assets a computer and a phone. In 2004 the company did close to $9 million in sales and employs over 60 persons. She attributes her explosive growth to her ability to choose incredible staff and her innate marketing savvy. Now she’s sharing her marketing secrets with others. For more free marketing advice, visit her website at

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