The Impeachment of the President of the USA - Part II

Written by Sam Vaknin

Continued from page 1

AC : “This is againrepparttar same Presidential pattern of deceit, half truths and plain lies. The President may not have promised anything explicitly – but he sure did implicitly, otherwise why would Miss Lewinsky have availed herself sexually ? Even if we adopt your more benevolent version of events and assume that Miss Lewinsky approached this avowed and professional womanizer withrepparttar 126060 intention of taking advantage of him – clearly, a deal must have been struck. “

DC : “Yes, but we don't know its nature and its parameters. It is therefore useless to talk about this empty, hypothetical entity. You also said that he committed these acts of lust in a building belonging torepparttar 126061 American public and put at his disposal solely forrepparttar 126062 performance of his duties. This is half-true, of course. This is alsorepparttar 126063 home ofrepparttar 126064 President, his castle. He has to endure a lot in order to occupy this mansion andrepparttar 126065 separation between private and public life is only on paper. Presidents have no private lives but only public ones. Why should we reproach them for mixingrepparttar 126066 public withrepparttar 126067 private ? This is a double standard : when it suits our predatory instincts, our hypocrisy and our search for a scapegoat – we disallowrepparttar 126068 private life of a President. When these same low drives can be satisfied by making this distinction – we trumpet it. We must make up our minds : either Presidents are not allowed to have private lives and then they should be perfectly allowed to engage in all manner of normally private behaviour in public and on public property (and even atrepparttar 126069 public's expense). Orrepparttar 126070 distinction is relevant – in which case we should adoptrepparttar 126071 “European model” and not pry intorepparttar 126072 lives of our Presidents, not expose them, and not demand their public flagellation for very private sins.”

AC : “This is a gross misrepresentation ofrepparttar 126073 process that led torepparttar 126074 current sorry state of affairs. The President got himself embroiled in numerous other legal difficulties long beforerepparttar 126075 Monika Lewinsky story erupted. The special prosecutor was appointed to investigate Whitewater and other matters long beforerepparttar 126076 President's sexual shenanigans hitrepparttar 126077 courts. The President lied under oath in connection with a private, civil lawsuit brought against him by Paula Jones. It is allrepparttar 126078 President's doing. Decapitatingrepparttar 126079 messenger –repparttar 126080 special prosecutor – is an old and defunct Roman habit.”

DC : “Then you proceeded to accuserepparttar 126081 President of adultery. Technically, there can be no disagreement. The President's actions – however sexual acts are defined – constitute unequivocal adultery. Butrepparttar 126082 legal and operational definitions of adultery are divorced fromrepparttar 126083 emotional and moral discourse ofrepparttar 126084 same phenomenon. We must not forget that you stated thatrepparttar 126085 adulterous acts committed byrepparttar 126086 President have adversely affectedrepparttar 126087 dignity of his office and this is what seems to have bothered you…”

AC : “Absolutely misrepresented. I do have a problem with adultery in general and I wholeheartedly disagree with it …”

DC : “I apologize. So, let us accord these two rather different questions –repparttar 126088 separate treatment that they deserve. First, surely you agree with me that there can be no dignity where there is no truth, for you said so yourself. A marital relationship that fails abysmally to providerepparttar 126089 parties with sexual or emotional gratification and is maintained inrepparttar 126090 teeth of such failure – is a lie. It is a lie because it gives observers false information regardingrepparttar 126091 state of things. What is better – to continue a marriage of appearances and mutual hell – or to find emotional and sexual fulfilment elsewhere? Whenrepparttar 126092 pursuit of happiness is coupled withrepparttar 126093 refusal to pretend, to pose, in other words, to lie, isn't this commendable ? President Clinton admitted to marital problems and there seems to be an incompatibility, which reaches torepparttar 126094 roots of this bond between himself and his wife. Sometimes marriages start as one thing – passion, perhaps or self delusion – and end up as another : mutual acceptance, a warm habit, companionship. Many marriages withstand marital infidelity precisely because they are not conventional, or ideal marriages. By forgoing sex, a partnership is sometimes strengthened and a true, disinterested friendship is formed. I say that by insisting on being true to himself, by refusing to accept social norms of hypocrisy, conventions of make-belief and camouflage, by exposingrepparttar 126095 lacunas in his marriage, by, thus, redefining it and by pursuing his own sexual and emotional happiness –repparttar 126096 President has acted honestly. He did not compromiserepparttar 126097 dignity of his office.”


Sam Vaknin is the author of Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited and After the Rain - How the West Lost the East. He is a columnist for Central Europe Review, United Press International (UPI) and eBookWeb and the editor of mental health and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory, Suite101 and

Visit Sam's Web site at

The Middle East: Prior Claims?

Written by The Indignant Bystander / Francis Shimandle

Continued from page 1

Again, there has never been a Palestinian state. Not underrepparttar reign of Israel, of Babylon,repparttar 126059 Romans, norrepparttar 126060 Crusaders,repparttar 126061 Turks norrepparttar 126062 English, and not underrepparttar 126063 rule ofrepparttar 126064 Arab Kingdom of Jordan. Evidence shows that it was never even brought up until after Israel again was established in its homeland.

Michael Kelly made several points in his May 8, 2002 Washington Post article “Israel’s Phony Partner” which look at Yasser Arafat’s role inrepparttar 126065 “ peace process”. Onrepparttar 126066 second day of 1967’s Six Day War, Foreign Minister Abba Eban met withrepparttar 126067 U.N. Security Council to make Israel’s case for preemptive strikes in a war forced by Arab nations. Looking at each ambassador he faced, Eban said, “Look around this table and imagine a foreign power forcibly closing New York or Montreal, Boston or Marseille, Toulon or Copenhagen, Rio or Tokyo or Bombay Harbor. How would your government react? What would you do? How long would you wait? The questions remain, and how - or whether - to recognize Arafat as a “partner for peace” becomesrepparttar 126068 current quandary. Officially,repparttar 126069 U.S. still holdsrepparttar 126070 position that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ought to “recognize whorepparttar 126071 Palestinian people look to as their leader,” no matter “how disappointed we’ve been with him over time.”

Disappointed? Let’s recap. He was givenrepparttar 126072 Nobel Peace Prize. Awarded much ofrepparttar 126073 land he demanded, plus a $90 million monthly(!) budget, allowed to build an armed force on Israeli territory. Finally, (as America’s former top negotiator, Dennis Ross, revealed recently on Fox News), he got both President Bush and Prime Minister Sharon to promise him all of Gaza and most ofrepparttar 126074 West Bank as an independent and joined Palestinian state, including a right of Palestinian return to that state, plus a multibillion-dollar reparations fund - and what does he do? Goes to war, and proveably orchestrates terrorist attacks against Israel. Yes, disappointed.

Some U.S. media, and even Secretary of State Colin Powell, may still believe Arafat is a peace partner, though Powell noted “we all may disagree with what Mr. Arafat had done over time.” We sure may. Takerepparttar 126075 murder of 6 people and wounding of 30 more at an Israeli girl’s Jan. 17 bat mitzvah in Hadera, just one of many terrorist acts directly linked to Arafat’s control in documents found by Israeli forces in Palestinian Authority offices. These documents were revealed in a 103-page report released by Israel’s government in support of Sharon’s position that they cannot pursue peace with Arafat as a “partner”.

Mr. Kelly’s article states, “The New York Times buried its coverage ofrepparttar 126076 report on A10 and sniffed thatrepparttar 126077 evidence did ‘not appear to show definitively thatrepparttar 126078 Palestinian leader ordered terror attacks.’ The Post gave it front-page play but was even more dismissive, treatingrepparttar 126079 Israeli evidence with open disdain. The first ‘objective’ characterization ofrepparttar 126080 material, third paragraph, does not addressrepparttar 126081 documentary evidence at all but in a contrary slant notes thatrepparttar 126082 report contains ‘a great many assertions and allegations for which no documentary proof is offered.’ In paragraph 12, after three paragraphs of Palestinian officials and lawyers dismissingrepparttar 126083 evidence as propaganda, The Post's reporter offersrepparttar 126084 first and only judgment supportingrepparttar 126085 Israeli side: ‘Nevertheless, some ofrepparttar 126086 material inrepparttar 126087 report appears potentially damaging torepparttar 126088 Palestinians, and could hurt their standing in international public opinion.’”

In light ofrepparttar 126089 spurious claims of Palestinian sovereignty to begin with, and growing evidence of Arafat’s ongoing commitment torepparttar 126090 destruction of Israel and her people through any and all means, this cannot be viewed as balanced reporting.

Ifrepparttar 126091 U.S. had credible evidence to believe that a certain rogue Islamic leader was responsible for a terrorist campaign of murder and destruction against America and her people, what would we do? How long would we wait? We’ve already begun to live this. And we did exactlyrepparttar 126092 right thing. Without delay. We mounted an army, with support from many free world governments, against that leader and his followers. We bombed them, shot them, chased and arrested them and shipped them to Guantanamo Bay. And if we had their leader trapped in his compound, we would not even consider letting him out and setting him up as a “partner for peace”.

One of life’s strangest ironies is that people of two ofrepparttar 126093 world’s three major monotheistic religions, sharingrepparttar 126094 teachings of Abraham, continue this history of bloodshed. They are brother tribes, both Semites, descendants of Shem. (Despiterepparttar 126095 consistent misuse ofrepparttar 126096 term, “anti-semitic” refers to hatred of Arab and Jew alike.) Brothers and sisters, whose bickering has gone obscenely far beyond sibling rivalry.

Marketing and Promotion veteran of 30+ years, Mr. Shimandle writes on a variety of current events, mystery fiction and childrens' stories. He partners a website, and operates a marketing consulting business in the Chicago area.

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