The How TO of Pyramids

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Continued from page 1

"The Great Pyramid in front of Khafra's pyramid has become more controversial than ever in light of recent geological studies. Based onrepparttar severe manner in which blocks coveringrepparttar 150078 lower layers ofrepparttar 150079 body and paws are eroded,repparttar 150080 age ofrepparttar 150081 Sphinx has, once again, come into serious question.

Today,repparttar 150082 Sphinx is attributed to Khafra (Chephre in another language). Earlier Egyptologists believed it was erected a great deal earlier than his reign, perhaps atrepparttar 150083 end ofrepparttar 150084 archaic period. The Sphinx looks much older thanrepparttar 150085 Pyramids.

No inscriptions connectrepparttar 150086 sacred monument to Khafra (except reconstruction gangs graffiti), but inrepparttar 150087 Valley Temple, a dozen statues of Khafra, one inrepparttar 150088 form of a Sphinx, were uncovered inrepparttar 150089 1950's. Some Egyptologists claim a resemblance between these statues andrepparttar 150090 face ofrepparttar 150091 Sphinx.

A document which indicates greater antiquity, however, was found onrepparttar 150092 Giza Plateau by French Egyptologists duringrepparttar 150093 nineteenth century. The text, calledrepparttar 150094 'Inventory Stele', bears inscriptions relating events duringrepparttar 150095 reign of Khafra's father, Khufu. The text says that Khufu instructed that a temple be erected alongsiderepparttar 150096 Sphinx, meaning thatrepparttar 150097 Sphinx already existed before Khafra's time. The accuracy ofrepparttar 150098 stele has been questioned because it dates fromrepparttar 150099 Twenty-first Dynasty (1070-945 BC.), long afterrepparttar 150100 Pyramid Age, but becauserepparttar 150101 Egyptians took great pride in precise record keeping {Well, let's say they were well aware of glory and posterity; they would also have known what happened in a time closer to their period of history, than Egyptologists today.} andrepparttar 150102 careful copying of documents, no authoritative reason exists to discountrepparttar 150103 text as inaccurate.

Fragments of early papyruses and tablets, as well asrepparttar 150104 later writings ofrepparttar 150105 third century B.C. Greco-Egyptian historian {A priest} Manetho, claim that Egypt was ruled for thousands of years beforerepparttar 150106 First Dynasty, some texts claim as much as 36,000 years earlier. {A deep mine in Egypt is reported to have been dated to 35,000 BC. that came to light inrepparttar 150107 last year or so.} This history is dismissed by Egyptologists as legend {Even though they use Manetho’s kings list extensively in their own fabrication.}. However, ancient Egyptian history is viewed by scholars mostly from a New Kingdom perspective because numerous documents have survived from Thebes. The capital of Memphis, founded during prehistoric times, was a vitally important religious, commercial, cultural and administrative center with a life span of thousands of years, but unfortunately, it has not been effectively excavated.

{Britannica tells us: "the excavations of Thomas W. Jacobsen atrepparttar 150108 Franchithi Cave onrepparttar 150109 Bay of Argos... by 13,000 - 11,000 B.C. and thatrepparttar 150110 cultivation of hybrid grains,repparttar 150111 domestication of animals, and organized community tuna hunts had already begun.” (13) This is in Crete where another major Keltic administrative colony existed, to go along with Malta and probably Byblos if not what is known as Harappa, and also Finias.}

The recent geological studies ofrepparttar 150112 Sphinx have kindled more than debate overrepparttar 150113 attribution and age. The established history ofrepparttar 150114 evolution of civilization is being challenged.

A study ofrepparttar 150115 severe body erosion ofrepparttar 150116 Sphinx andrepparttar 150117 hollow in which it is situated indicates thatrepparttar 150118 damaging agent was water. A slow erosion occurs in limestone when water is absorbed and reacts with salts inrepparttar 150119 stone. The controversy arises overrepparttar 150120 vast amounts of water responsible.

Two theories are popular. One is that groundwater slowly rose intorepparttar 150121 body ofrepparttar 150122 Sphinx. This theory produces irreconcilable problems: A recent survey carried out byrepparttar 150123 American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) determined that three distinctly separate repair operations were completed onrepparttar 150124 Sphinx betweenrepparttar 150125 New Kingdom andrepparttar 150126 Ptolemaic rule, that is, during a period of roughly 700 to 1,000 years. The study also indicates thatrepparttar 150127 Sphinx was already in its current state of erosion whenrepparttar 150128 early repairs were made. No appreciable erosion has occurred sincerepparttar 150129 original damage, nor is there further damage onrepparttar 150130 bedrock ofrepparttar 150131 surrounding hollow, an area that never underwent repair.

Knowing this, one must consider thatrepparttar 150132 inundating Nile slowly built up levels of silt over millenia, and this was accompanied by a gradual rise inrepparttar 150133 water. During Khafra's timerepparttar 150134 water table was about thirty feet lower than it is today. Forrepparttar 150135 rising groundwater theory to hold, an unbelievable geological scenario would have to have taken place. It would mean that from thirty feet lower than today's water table, water rose to about two feet intorepparttar 150136 body ofrepparttar 150137 Sphinx andrepparttar 150138 surrounding hollow, where it caused erosion for roughly 600 years, and then stopped its damaging effects.

Historians findrepparttar 150139 second theory that is offered more unthinkable. It suggests thatrepparttar 150140 source of water stemmed fromrepparttar 150141 wet phases ofrepparttar 150142 last ice age--c.15,000 to 10,000 B.C.- when Egypt underwent periods of severe flooding. This hypothesis advocates thatrepparttar 150143 Sphinx necessarily existed beforerepparttar 150144 floods. If it could be proven, well-established theories about prehistory would be radically shaken. The world's most mysterious sculpture would date to a time when historians place humanity in a neolithic setting, living in open camps and depending largely on hunting and foraging." (14)

Thusrepparttar 150145 Egyptians would have to give up their claim to having built it. This is their pride and joy and it is difficult to admit such a lie. The truth when one looks at allrepparttar 150146 facts; is that there is no wayrepparttar 150147 Egyptians builtrepparttar 150148 Great Pyramid. If it was notrepparttar 150149 Phoenicians then it was African cultures such as Timbuktu, who we know even less about. It is likely they and other people aroundrepparttar 150150 world merely imitated it and its capstone which is older than its base (ARCE carbon, AMS, dating). The capstone may have been used as a model to demonstraterepparttar 150151 effects of two perfect tetrahedra in a perfect pyramid that generates 'phi' andrepparttar 150152 kind of design thatrepparttar 150153 nautilus deep sea shell contains. These are not co-incidences and reflect on knowledge gained through attunements with spiritual things or 'direct cognition'. The only other possible explanation isrepparttar 150154 alien theory or an advanced hominid that rose to our current level of technical understanding that went into space or somehow disappeared. Would they have gone to space like we can, and return for appropriate or unique resources needed from their evolutionary home? We must keep an open mind and not try to make facts force-fit easy theories. That approach is common in science and goes by names like 'reductivism', 'gradualism', and 'direct inference'.

Author of Diverse Druids, Columnist for The ES Press Magazine, Guest 'expert' at

Hobbits and Lice

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Continued from page 1

The war between lice and their hosts has continued for billions of years - there are species of louse adapted to almost every sort of primate and many species of birds. In humans, they infest our head, our clothes, and our bodily hair. Curiously,repparttar body lice arerepparttar 148329 same species as head lice - although they behave quite differently, living in clothes, and coming in to feed on skin once or twice a day. Head lice live in hair and feed more often.

But it turns out that DNA analysis shows there are two distinct sub-species of head lice in humans. All overrepparttar 148330 world, except in western North America, they arerepparttar 148331 same. But there is a population of lice alongrepparttar 148332 Pacific coast of North America which have been evolving separately fromrepparttar 148333 rest ofrepparttar 148334 world for about 1.8m years. The only way to make sense of this is to assume that their separate development took place on Homo erectus, who also split off from our hominid ancestors about that time ago.

So how could these lice have reached their present, wholly human hosts? It seems to me that this could only have happened through some act of primal genocide when Homo erectus met Homo sapiens somewhere in eastern Siberia. Lice can only travel between living bodies, or very freshly dead ones. Ifrepparttar 148335 transmission had been from living bodies, we would expectrepparttar 148336 same pattern in bodily lice. It isn't there. Nor is there any trace of Homo erectus in our DNA. Sorepparttar 148337 lice must have come from very fresh corpses and it is hard to suppose that they had died peacefully just beforerepparttar 148338 intruders turned up.

The story of "Ebu Gogo" sounds more improving. According to local villagers, these creatures were around until about a century ago: three feet tall, hairy, and speechless, though they could imitate human speech, like parrots. The villagers tolerated them and even fed them, though they would only eat raw food, until they stole and ate a baby. They drove them from their cave with blazing bales of grass. Shortly thereafter,repparttar 148339 villagers themselves moved off and western settlers arrived. The cave whererepparttar 148340 Ebu Gogo lived has not been found. But if it is - and scientists are looking - it might yield some extraordinary remains.

These wouldn't be technological. Perhapsrepparttar 148341 saddest aspect ofrepparttar 148342 whole story isrepparttar 148343 slow loss of technology it implies. Ebu Gogo seems to have been a descendent of Homo erectus, also known as Java man, who reachedrepparttar 148344 island about 840,000 years ago. This was almost certainly something that required boats, which seem a pretty human-level technology.” (1)

Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at

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