The History of Yoga

Written by Della Menechella

Continued from page 1

Pranayama - controllingrepparttar breath

Pratyahara - going inward and withdrawing attention fromrepparttar 105361 outside world

Dharana - concentration

Dhyana - meditation

Samadhi - merging withrepparttar 105362 universal consciousness

The Swami Vivekananda added torepparttar 105363 history of yoga by bringing it to America. In 1893, he addressedrepparttar 105364 Parliament of World Religions and discussedrepparttar 105365 path of yoga. As a result of his speech, it quickly began to blossom as a practice in many areas ofrepparttar 105366 country. Yoga has since gained major popularity inrepparttar 105367 United States and many different styles including Hatha, Bikram, and Iyengar, are practiced by millions of people.

Knowingrepparttar 105368 history of yoga can help you,repparttar 105369 practitioner, realizerepparttar 105370 richness that it has to offer. More than just a means of being fit and trim, yoga can help you live a healthy, whole, and empowered life.

Della Menechella is a yoga and fitness enthusiast who has been involved in fitness for over thirty years. Here website is filled with practical information about how you can make yoga and fitness a positive part of your life.

Too Much Water Can Kill

Written by Steven Chabotte

Continued from page 1

A good way to learn how much is right for you is to weight yourself before a heavy training session. Then drink and record how much liquid you consume duringrepparttar trainging. Then weight yourself again. If you find that you weight more afterrepparttar 105359 training than before, you should cut down on your liquid intake. By performing this exercise, you will learn how much liquid you really need to injest during an event and be able to pace yourself accordingly.

Hyponatremia can begin with confusion and lethargy and can progress rapidly to more severe symptoms. They can include twitching, siezures, stupor, coma and even death.

In recent years, hyponatremia has killed several amateur marathon runners as well as competitors inrepparttar 105360 Marine Corps Marathon.

To learn more about hyponatremia and proper hydration during events, visit

Steven Chabotte is a freelance writer that writes for The Nutrition Guide at and My Attorney Finder

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