The Hierarchy Of Marketing

Written by Ana Ventura

Continued from page 1

The third tier of Maslow's hierarchy isrepparttar love and belonging step. We have all feltrepparttar 121978 desire to be closer to our families, to have more friends, or to find a significant other.

Appealing to these desires is useful if you run a personals web page or a own a club. Tell your prospects aboutrepparttar 121979 great interactions they will have if they try your service, and use testimonials from customers past. Hearing about great results from former clients is a great way to get new buyers.

Maslow's next area of human need deals with esteem. One area of esteem needs calls for recognition from others, status, attention, and recognition. The other area hits a little closer torepparttar 121980 self, involving self respect, confidence, competence, independence and achievement.

I am reminded of a shampoo commercial in whichrepparttar 121981 lead actress walks through an office building withrepparttar 121982 admiring eyes of many workers following her around. Atrepparttar 121983 end, she walks into a board meeting and states that she doesn't even work forrepparttar 121984 company, and allrepparttar 121985 attention must berepparttar 121986 result of her shampoo.

The last tier of Maslow's hierarchy is calledrepparttar 121987 self actualization level. Ever heardrepparttar 121988 army slogan "Be all that you can be"? This is an appeal torepparttar 121989 self actualization needs of human beings. Approaching people at this level ofrepparttar 121990 hierarchy involves inviting them to live up to their full potential as a hard working, motivated member of society.

Appealing torepparttar 121991 needs of your customers can be a great way to grabrepparttar 121992 attention of your customers, as long as you remember to be responsible about it. Who knew incorporating psychology into your marketing plan could be such a great way to grab customers?

Ana Ventura writes sizzling ads for DrNunley's See her super Ezine Ad Package that gets your ad in front of 55 million people without spamming. Reach Ana at or 801-328-9006.

11 Internet Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Visibility

Written by Angela Wu

Continued from page 1

8. Major indexes. Get listed withrepparttar popular large human- reviewed indexes such as Yahoo! ( ) and Open Directory ( ). This can result in a significant boost in targeted traffic - up to several hundreds of unique visitors each day!

9. Article submissions. Write about what you know and offer your articles to other editors and webmasters in your market. Offerrepparttar 121977 article for reprint in exchange for an author byline. Some sites also run syndication networks, where your article may appear on dozens or even hundreds of sites! There's always a demand for fresh, original articles. Ezine directories such as are a good source for finding editors that accept articles.

10. Create a free eBook. Give it away to your visitors - and to other editors or webmasters within your market. Encourage them to pass it on. Your business will profit fromrepparttar 121978 free publicity. Free eBooks are an excellent viral marketing tool; read more inrepparttar 121979 article, '10 Quick Tips on How to Create, Distribute, and Profit from Free eBooks', .

11. Joint ventures. Partner with other editors or webmasters within your market to help promote each other's businesses. This is one ofrepparttar 121980 easiest and most profitable marketing methods! Examples of JVs include: ad swaps, newsletter co-opts, barter agreements, special affiliate commissions, and offering discounts of your own products/services to each other's customers.

The key here is *consistency*; writing an occasional article or placing an ad once in a while isn't enough to give yourepparttar 121981 targeted traffic necessary to build a solid, steady online income.

There are lots of ways to market -- start today! Pick something and just do it. If you don't feel like writing an article, find some potential link partners. Don't feel like doing that? Then check your pay-per-click campaign and make any necessary changes.

Commit yourself to marketing your business -- and hold yourself to it! After all, it would be a real shame for a great product to go to waste.

Angela Wu is the editor of Online Business Basics, an exclusive newsletter for eBusiness beginners. Visit her online today at

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