The Hidden Key To Making Massive Amounts Of Money From Your List

Written by Rick Miller

Continued from page 1

Glaspie's secret weapon to build relationships isrepparttar Law of Reciprocity. This Universal law says: "If you give something of value to anyone withoutrepparttar 108609 anticipation or expectation of reward, rewards will automatically follow."

You have to "give" before you "get."

If you give away good hard-hitting information about whatever topic people on your list are interested in, you'll be viewed asrepparttar 108610 expert on that subject. They will be predisposed to do business with you. In fact, they'll feel obligated to you.

At one of his sites, Glaspie gives away a no-cost audio training that teaches many of his most closely guarded online marketing secrets. Its only goal is to teach and train. The result, however, is that those who sign up at that site become some of his most responsive customers.

Inrepparttar 108611 List Crusade interview, Glaspie also revealed:

* How he quickly built a list of over one million opt-in subscribers * Amazing tactics to create a firestorm of new subscribers * Step-by-step instructions for building your list * The two easy paths to building a massive Internet income starting today * How to quickly locate joint venture partners who will eagerly jump atrepparttar 108612 chance to help you grow your list.

Take these secrets from Michael Glaspie's interview and *use them today* to start building a relationship with your list. The more you bond with your list,repparttar 108613 more your income and your bank account will grow.

Rick Miller is a Certified Master of Web Copywriting and co-founder of List Crusade. For fre^e access to Michael Glaspie's entire interview, along with 51 other audio lessons from top Internet Marketing and Self Help Gurus--go to: ==>

E-commerce, a no nonsense perspective for new business

Written by Oliver Phillips

Continued from page 1

3. The Real Profit takers onrepparttar Internet match supply with demand, but do not sell anything!

Think ofrepparttar 108608 big e-businesses like Google, Ebay, and Overture. These companies are successful and worth millions, but they don’t sell any products! Instead they are service providers; they offer different services that have one thing in common – they connect people who want to sell with people who want to buy. Otherwise put they are market makers and if you are serious about your e-business you will very quickly end up paying companies like these for your own sales as these companies can give your productsrepparttar 108609 exposure needed to sell them – but at a cost! 

I’m not going to advocate you set up your own search engine, online auction site, classified ads site or even dating agency, as I think you’ll agree you couldn’t seriously expect to take market share off established big name brands like those above? But remember, in e-business, market makers arerepparttar 108610 real profit takers. If you spot an opportunity to be a market maker which hasn’t already been dominated by a big name, that could just be your ticket to e-business success.

4. You can’t just build a site and “expect” to start generating income any more.

There was a time, not too long ago, when you could build a simple e-commerce site using offrepparttar 108611 shelf software like Actinic Catalog or EROL, submit it to a few search engines for free, and if your products were reasonable and at attractive prices, you could expect people to find it and buy from it.

Sadly, those days are long gone,repparttar 108612 Internet has matured; there are a thousand sites just like yours andrepparttar 108613 search engines are much more selective aboutrepparttar 108614 resources they index.

Whilst, your first challenge is getting indexed inrepparttar 108615 search engines, and make no mistake this will cost your business money, your second challenge is convincing your visitors they should buy from your web site and not another which is also just one click away. Your final and most often overlooked challenge is making enough profit to cover your customer acquisition costs.

On more than one occasion I have foundrepparttar 108616 profit from a sale does not coverrepparttar 108617 cost ofrepparttar 108618 advertising and marketing necessary to acquire that sale. This is not that significant if you can reasonably expect your Customer to purchase from you again asrepparttar 108619 cumulative profit from repeat sales may well coverrepparttar 108620 customer acquisition cost and see you into profit. However, if your products are niche, high value, or typically one off or impulse purchases, you only get one opportunity to make a profit from your Customer.

5. There are few truly new ideas for e-business - most things have already been done. Exploit a niche, leverage breaking technology, or dorepparttar 108621 same thing but just better.

As a technology matures,repparttar 108622 opportunities to leverage that technology to create competitive advantage generally decrease. This happens for three reasons. The cost ofrepparttar 108623 technology falls making it more accessible torepparttar 108624 masses; as more people opt intorepparttar 108625 technology more ways to utiliserepparttar 108626 technology are found andrepparttar 108627 technology becomes more user friendly which drives further take up, until eventuallyrepparttar 108628 technology becomes commonplace - as doesrepparttar 108629 knowledge required to utilise it. Indeed rather than it providing competitive advantage, you could be said to be at a competitive “disadvantage” if you don’t userepparttar 108630 technology. 

By way of example, considerrepparttar 108631 telephone. These days nobody, at least inrepparttar 108632 western world, would claim a telephone gives their Business a competitive advantage though many would recognise that not having a telephone could well be detrimental to their Business. However think back torepparttar 108633 days shortly after Alexander Graham Bell inventedrepparttar 108634 first telephone - a Business with a telephone would certainly have had a competitive advantage over its competitors without.

So how do you get ahead in e-business? How do you create competitive advantage; I believe there are actually only three ways you can.

Exploit a niche. Supplying specialist products or servicing a specialist market is one way to get ahead. If you have rare skills or knowledge you may well be able to use this to create an e-business niche, whereby only someone withrepparttar 108635 same skills or knowledge could compete with you. The more specialistrepparttar 108636 knowledge on which you build your e-businessrepparttar 108637 more difficult it becomes for competition to enterrepparttar 108638 market and copy you. Simple economics dictates that in a marketplace with few suppliers, prices and therefore margins remain higher for longer. Of course this assumes demand exceeds supply and herein is a potential sting inrepparttar 108639 tail; in a specialist market place your Customers are specialists also. You will invariably have fewer prospects to market to - knowing who these prospects are is crucial, as many generalist marketing techniques will not work for you and could prove very expensive.

Leverage breaking technology. Despite what was said earlier in this section it is still possible to create technological competitive advantage. You need to be an early adopter, someone who embracesrepparttar 108640 technology as soon as it launches. You should expect to offset some ofrepparttar 108641 advantage you create, withrepparttar 108642 high cost of using a new technology early on in it’s life-cycle, and you should also accept that not everything you try will yield gains for your Business so much of your investment may be wasted.

Dorepparttar 108643 same thing but just better. Onrepparttar 108644 face of it a rather obvious statement, but you’ll be amazed how many people are running online auction websites, classified ads websites, or little search engines! When evaluating an e-business opportunity check out whatrepparttar 108645 existing players are doing and ask yourself, “Can I do it better than these guys?” If your answer is no, then you might want to look elsewhere for your e-business opportunity! Could you buy an offrepparttar 108646 shelf auction website and take onrepparttar 108647 might of ebay? Will your classified Car Ads website give Autotrader anything to worry about? Might we all be searchingrepparttar 108648 web via your new search website instead of Google in a few months time? 

Improvement opportunities should all focus on customer experience – likerepparttar 108649 ease with which they can userepparttar 108650 website andrepparttar 108651 service level they get viarepparttar 108652 website. Don’t waste your time on anything else. For example, you might have a flair for graphic design, and think you could produce a better logo thanrepparttar 108653 ebay logo for your own auction website. Perhaps you could, but this is unlikely to improve customer experience.

Keeprepparttar 108654 maxim of “doing it better” in mind at all times and you may well spot improvement opportunities in market sectors with no dominant players. Keep an open mind and you’ll be surprised how often you notice things that could be better. Perhaps your e-business could address these shortcomings and gain competitive advantage.

(continued in Part 2 of this series)

Oliver Phillips runs the web development company eantics Ltd and as a qualified Accountant, has built intranet financial systems for an FTSE quoted UK PLC. His e-commerce operations have twice reached the finals of the UK e-commerce Awards; his Company’s latest venture, ‘PFS France’ has just launched.

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