The Hidden Buyer

Written by Steve Waterhouse

Continued from page 1

5. Timing

Time is money and everyone is late. That means no one is worth what they are charging. You must show that you understand and can makerepparttar target dates with ease. Your client may have many timesrepparttar 139450 cost of your product or service resting on this deal. They may be much less concerned about your price than your timing.

6. Value Statement

Here isrepparttar 139451 tough one. How do you articulate your value torepparttar 139452 client inrepparttar 139453 proposal? First, you ask loads of questions. Second, you work with them to build a success scenario early inrepparttar 139454 discussions. Lastly, you use their numbers to makerepparttar 139455 case. This section should be as numeric as possible and tied directly torepparttar 139456 client’s bottom line. Statements like, “Based on your assessment that improved information systems of this type will improve output by 10%, this system will pay back $1.9 Million inrepparttar 139457 first year and $34.5 million overrepparttar 139458 next 5 years.” Done correctly,repparttar 139459 value dwarfsrepparttar 139460 fee and makes your price a non-issue.

The value case isrepparttar 139461 one case that hidden buyers always jump on. They ask, “Is this worth it?” and “How are we going to pay for this?” If your value case is missing, you are atrepparttar 139462 mercy ofrepparttar 139463 person standing there inrepparttar 139464 room to make your sales presentation for you. If you weren’t scared before, you should be now. With a strong case inrepparttar 139465 proposal, you have a prayer of winningrepparttar 139466 day.

The Value Process is detailed in my book “The Team Selling Solution: Creating and Managing Teams That Winrepparttar 139467 Complex Sales” (McGraw-Hill, 2004). It is now available on audio CD and hardcopy at:

7. The Details

Ok, somewhere in here you must detailrepparttar 139468 deliverables,repparttar 139469 price,repparttar 139470 terms and conditions. Once again, these should not be surprises since you worked them out long before you wroterepparttar 139471 proposal. I love clients who say, “Send me a proposal.” I say, “How about if we talk it through right now and then I’ll send you a summary of our agreement.” No one ever objects and I getrepparttar 139472 benefit of hearing their reaction to my offerings.

So why did you lose that deal? Because you forgot that proposals need to be stand-along sale presentations, not simply pre-invoices. Think of it this way: Ifrepparttar 139473 proposal I outlined above was sitting next to yours, andrepparttar 139474 client had never talked with either company, who do you think hasrepparttar 139475 best chance of winning?

Make your proposal sell and you’ll be building an insurance policy behind every deal you close.

For a free copy of "How to Leave a Voice Mail That Gets Results", please email and ask for article #19.

Stephen Waterhouse is Principal and Founder of Waterhouse Group. They specialize in helping companies increase their sales and profits. He can be reached at 1-800-57-LEARN or

Re-Print Permission This article may be reprinted in it's entirety ifrepparttar 139476 following conditions are met:

The complete tag withrepparttar 139477 author's name and contact information is included immediately afterrepparttar 139478 article. A copy ofrepparttar 139479 printed article is mailed torepparttar 139480 author at 1467 Walnut Creek Drive, Orange Park, FL 32003 within 30 days of publication. The article is presented in a positive light as part of an appropriate business related publication.

Stephen Waterhouse is Principal and Founder of Waterhouse Group. They specialize in helping companies increase their sales and profits.

Value Selling

Written by Steve Waterhouse

Continued from page 1

c. Prove it - Assume that you'll be challenged on your assumptions and projections, so be prepared to defend them. Where possible, use number gathered fromrepparttar client's executives.

Step 2. Present it

Here is where you addressrepparttar 139439 fact that buying power moves up in a down market. The same person who authorized a $2M contract last year only has $200K in buying power this year. If you present your big deal to that person, they will be forced to either reject your plan or try to sell it internally themselves. You must identifyrepparttar 139440 real buyer and make your case directly to them. I recommend that you start as high inrepparttar 139441 organization as you can. After all, if you are asking them to reallocate precious funds from one department to another, a department head will not haverepparttar 139442 power you need.

Step 3. Close it!

Big, complicated sales sold to high-level executive can get tied up in delays and shuffled from one person to another. Always remember that you are there to helprepparttar 139443 top dog win and you should never be afraid to let them know that this important project is stalled in middle management. Letrepparttar 139444 CEO be your Roto-Rooter and help you clearrepparttar 139445 clogs in their system.

Obviously, this was an abbreviated version ofrepparttar 139446 Value Selling process, but many of you should be able to get started on it today. Pick one account and make it your goal to make a big value presentation by a given date. Please share your successes with me. I love to hear good news.

For a free copy of "20 Questions That Uncover Your Value", please email and ask for article #17.

Stephen Waterhouse is Principal and Founder of Waterhouse Group. They specialize in helping companies increase their sales and profits. He can be reached at 1-800-57-LEARN or

Re-Print Permission This article may be reprinted in it's entirety ifrepparttar 139447 following conditions are met:

The complete tag withrepparttar 139448 author's name and contact information is included immediately afterrepparttar 139449 article. A copy ofrepparttar 139450 printed article is mailed torepparttar 139451 author at 1467 Walnut Creek Drive, Orange Park, FL 32003 within 30 days of publication. The article is presented in a positive light as part of an appropriate business related publication.

Stephen Waterhouse is Principal and Founder of Waterhouse Group. They specialize in helping companies increase their sales and profits.

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