The Health Benefits of Chocolate

Written by Susie Cortright

Continued from page 1

Harvard researchers tracked nearly 8,000 males, with an average age of 65. Those men who enjoyed chocolate and candy lived almost a year longer than those who did not. Those who ate one to three candy bars per month had a 36 percent lower risk of death (compared torepparttar people who ate no candy), while those who ate three or more candy bars per week had a 16 percent lower risk.

Why? The researchers say they don’t know for sure, but that it might have something to do with antioxidants. Chocolate containsrepparttar 111250 same antioxidant chemicals as wine (phenols). Inrepparttar 111251 chocolate bar, phenols help preserverepparttar 111252 fat. In our bodies, phenol can help prevent atherosclerosis.

Like anything, chocolate is best enjoyed in moderation. Just one ounce of solid chocolate packs about 150 calories and can be as much as 50 percent fat. So, for your next chocolate fix, consider reduced fat alternatives, such as chocolate covered foods or chocolate syrup.

Susie Cortright is the author of several books for women and founder of the award-winning, a website designed to help busy women find balance. Visit today and get Susie's *free* course-by-email "6 Days to Less Stress" as well as the *free* pdf ebook, "Spa Recipes for All Seasons."

A Meaningful Activity for You & Your Animal Companion

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach™

Continued from page 1

3.Chooserepparttar right venue to suit your dog’s personality.

A convalescent home,repparttar 111249 children’s playground at a shelter, a prison, and a psychiatric ward all require slightly different tolerances fromrepparttar 111250 dog. One dog may be sad atrepparttar 111251 lack of contact in a convalescent home, while another might be over-stimulated by a group of active children.

4.Start with good obedience training.

Check with your vet or inrepparttar 111252 yellow pages for training opportunities in your community.

5.Condition your dog to stimulating new environments, building her trust and confidence in you. (If you’re taking her there, it’s okay.)

6. Read some books onrepparttar 111253 subject. There’s a list here: .

7.Join an organization that can help you learn and also direct you to opportunities.

The Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc., , Therapy Dogs International, Inc., , and Delta Society, .

8.Obtain a Canine Good Citizenship Certificate, awarded under guidelines byrepparttar 111254 American Kennel Club ( AKC).

It involves basic good behavior, following some commands, being able to stay alone briefly, not whine or bark, good grooming, and other things. You can read about it here: .

9. Once your dog has earnedrepparttar 111255 Canine Good Citizenship Certificate, you can register him or her inrepparttar 111256 Canine Good Citizen Hall of Fame: .

10.Don’t be afraid to set this up on an informal basis, from simply going to visit a home-bound neighbor, to callingrepparttar 111257 volunteer director atrepparttar 111258 local children’s shelter and asking if you can come by.

A good volunteer director is adept at working in various volunteer opportunities, and also always looking for enriching, fun and/or educational activities for clients.

Your visitation may be highly structured or not, involve one-on-one or group, you may visit residents’ rooms or meet inrepparttar 111259 meeting room, and yours may berepparttar 111260 only animal there or one of many.

You can seerepparttar 111261 various possibilities this can provide for a meaningful family or individual experience. There are both intellectual and emotional learning opportunities. Withrepparttar 111262 right animal companion, you’re on your way and someone’s going to be very happy to see you!

©Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach, . I offer coaching, distance learning programs, and ebooks around emotional intelligence for your personal and professional development. I train and certify EQ coaches. Get into this field, dubbed “white hot” by the press, now. No residency requirement. Start immediately. for free ezine. For daily EQ Tips, send blank email to .

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