The Hands On Approach

Written by Jay Conners

Continued from page 1

However, when I get an envelope with a handwritten address, I automatically assume that it is a personal letter, and I open it immediately and read it.

The same can work for you,repparttar next time you send out a mailer, instead of using typed print or labels, handwriterepparttar 145355 address, your potential customer will undoubtedly open it, and you will begin to see an increase in results almost immediately!

3. The Hand Shake

Nothing can more of a turn off thanrepparttar 145356 “dead fish,” or “limp hand shake.” This automatically sends a message that you are just not interested in them, or even worse, it is telling people that you have no confidence! Don’t let this happen to you! Whenever you shake a hand, give it a firm grasp, and look your party straight inrepparttar 145357 eye, and give no less than three pumps ofrepparttar 145358 hand.

One last thing . . .

These three hand related steps for attracting business are as old asrepparttar 145359 hills, but in this day of modern technology, they have taken a back seat.

People respond to these methods of contact more so than they would to something computerized.

So please visit this old style of communication, I guarantee you will be happy withrepparttar 145360 results!

Jay Conners is the owner of, a mortgage resource center for all mortgage brokers, loan officers, and lenders. He is also the owner of, a mortgage lead company specializing in fresh leads.

10 Activities For Better Marketing

Written by Jay Conners

Continued from page 1

7. Tag Lines

When your answerrepparttar phone, make sure you answer it in a professional manner and state your name. You can also add a tag line promoting a product or promotion. Here are a few examples.

•Hello, thank you for calling XYZ Mortgage Company, this is John Doe, how may I help you?

•Hello, thank you for calling XYZ Mortgage Company, this is John Doe, have you heard about our interest only loans?

8. Partnerships

Partner up with a few Realtors in you area, this way you can attend their open houses, this is a great way to make contacts and make people aware of allrepparttar 145354 programs you have available. Remember to be prepared with plenty of business cards and literature.

9. Product Knowledge

This is perhaps one ofrepparttar 145355 most important marketing tools that you can posses. It is so important to haverepparttar 145356 ability to be able to speak offrepparttar 145357 cuff when asked about a particular product. It sends a clear message torepparttar 145358 customer that you know what you are talking about, andrepparttar 145359 better you knowrepparttar 145360 productrepparttar 145361 more confident you will be. Remember, your client is considering perhapsrepparttar 145362 biggest financial decision they will ever make, they need to trust you and believe in you! Take ten minutes out of every day to learn some ofrepparttar 145363 benefits ofrepparttar 145364 programs your company offers. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you become an expert.

10. Show them your appreciation

Overrepparttar 145365 course ofrepparttar 145366 loan process, it is fair to say that you have built a very good relationship with your customer, and like all relationships you want this one to last. Oncerepparttar 145367 loan is closed, takerepparttar 145368 time to thank them by sending them something to let them know that you appreciate their business. It could be a thank you card, or a small care package. My suggestion would be to send them a small care package, preferably to their work place, this way, all of their fellow employees will want to know who sent it and why, this is a great way to get them talking about you, which could easily lead to lots of referrals.

Jay Conners is the owner of, a mortgage resource center for mortgage brokers, loan officers, and lenders. He is also the owner of, a mortgage lead company, specializing in fresh leads.

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