The Green-Eyed Capitalist

Written by Sam Vaknin

Continued from page 1

"The hatred ofrepparttar bourgeoisie isrepparttar 103712 beginning of all virtue' - wrote Gustav Flaubert. He signed his letters 'Bourgeoisophobus' to show how much he despised 'stupid grocers and their ilk ... Through some screw-up inrepparttar 103713 great scheme ofrepparttar 103714 universe, their narrow-minded greed had brought them vast wealth, unstoppable power and growing social prestige."

Reiland also quotes from Ludwig van Mises's "The Anti-Capitalist Mentality":

"Many people, and especially intellectuals, passionately loathe capitalism. In a society based on caste and status,repparttar 103715 individual can ascribe adverse fate to conditions beyond his control. In ... capitalism ... everybody's station in life depends on his doing ... (what makes a man rich is) notrepparttar 103716 evaluation of his contribution from any 'absolute' principle of justice butrepparttar 103717 evaluation onrepparttar 103718 part of his fellow men who exclusively applyrepparttar 103719 yardstick of their personal wants, desires and ends ... Everybody knows very well that there are people like himself who succeeded where he himself failed. Everybody knows that many of those he envies are self-made men who started fromrepparttar 103720 same point from which he himself started. Everybody is aware of his own defeat. In order to console himself and to restore his self- assertion, such a man is in search of a scapegoat. He tries to persuade himself that he failed through no fault of his own. He was too decent to resort torepparttar 103721 base tricks to which his successful rivals owe their ascendancy. The nefarious social order does not accordrepparttar 103722 prizes torepparttar 103723 most meritorious men; it crownsrepparttar 103724 dishonest, unscrupulous scoundrel,repparttar 103725 swindler,repparttar 103726 exploiter,repparttar 103727 'rugged individualist'."

In "The Virtue of Prosperity", Dinesh D'Souza accuses prosperity and capitalism of inspiring vice and temptation. Inevitably, it provokes envy inrepparttar 103728 poor and depravity inrepparttar 103729 rich.

With only a modicum of overstatement, capitalism can be depicted asrepparttar 103730 sublimation of jealousy. As opposed to destructive envy - jealousy induces emulation. Consumers - responsible for two thirds of America's GDP - ape role models and vie with neighbors, colleagues, and family members for possessions andrepparttar 103731 social status they endow. Productive and constructive competition - among scientists, innovators, managers, actors, lawyers, politicians, andrepparttar 103732 members of just about every other profession - is driven by jealousy.

The eminent Nobel prize winning British economist and philosopher of Austrian descent, Friedrich Hayek, suggested in "The Constitution of Liberty" that innovation and progress in living standards arerepparttar 103733 outcomes of class envy. The wealthy are early adopters of expensive and unproven technologies. The rich finance with their conspicuous consumptionrepparttar 103734 research and development phase of new products. The poor, driven by jealousy, imitate them and thus create a mass market which allows manufacturers to lower prices.

But jealousy is premised onrepparttar 103735 twin beliefs of equality and a level playing field. "I am as good, as skilled, and as talented asrepparttar 103736 object of my jealousy." - goesrepparttar 103737 subtext - "Given equal opportunities, equitable treatment, and a bit of luck, I can accomplishrepparttar 103738 same or more."

Jealousy is easily transformed to outrage when its presumptions - equality, honesty, and fairness - prove wrong. In a paper recently published by Harvard University's John M. Olin Center for Law and titled "Executive Compensation in America: Optimal Contracting or Extraction of Rents?",repparttar 103739 authors argue that executive malfeasance is most effectively regulated by this "outrage constraint":

"Directors (and non-executive directors) would be reluctant to approve, and executives would be hesitant to seek, compensation arrangements that might be viewed by observers as outrageous."

Sam Vaknin ( ) is the author of Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited and After the Rain - How the West Lost the East. He served as a columnist for Central Europe Review, PopMatters, and eBookWeb , and Bellaonline, and as a United Press International (UPI) Senior Business Correspondent. He is the the editor of mental health and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory and Suite101.

Transform Your Image And Accelerate Your Success

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Continued from page 1

Did she look like a competent and professional person? What first impression would she create?

How aboutrepparttar manager who wears a cardigan, light grey suit and brown shoes. He also has a moustache. Would you feel confident using his services? Does he appear to be 'with it'? Would you think his organisation is up withrepparttar 103711 times?

Andrepparttar 103712 personal assistant withrepparttar 103713 low cut top and tight fitting pants? Is she being perceived as a competent person and someone you'd take seriously? She may suitrepparttar 103714 image of a trendy organisation and yet what opinions would you form if she worked with you?

We've all seen or know of people like this. Perhaps it's you and you don't even know it!

Image inrepparttar 103715 Workplace It's a serious business. Image Coaches are being hired by organisations to teach their people how to present themselves inrepparttar 103716 best possible way. How are you and your people perceived by your clients, prospects and suppliers?

Your personal image can be either positive or negative. It can accelerate your success or hinder it.

How to Transform Your Image If you seriously want to enhancerepparttar 103717 results in your life, consider seeing an image coach. In fact as part ofrepparttar 103718 services we offer, we've included image coaching as it has been so beneficial to many of our clients.

Some ofrepparttar 103719 results achieved have been astounding. An accountant who was considered a 'pushover' by her staff and business partner had a total transformation. Because of her quiet nature she wasn't taken seriously. She also dressed in a way that reinforced her lack of confidence.

Since having coaching around her image… looking how to dress in a more flattering way with credibility and power, she is far more confident and has become very assertive. It's also made her look 10 years younger!

The image coach you'll work with will show you how to present yourself inrepparttar 103720 best possible way. When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good you attract people to you like a magnet!

So if you want to attractrepparttar 103721 right type of people to you in business and in your personal life, then this is definitely one area you should invest in.

If this is of interest to you, email

The Final Word Looking successful is just as important as being successful. Whether we like it or not, people judge us in a number of ways. To be credible we have to look like we know what we're talking about as well as havingrepparttar 103722 skills and abilities to deliver.

Don't forget… You are your most important asset and you are worth investing in.

Lorraine specialises in working with businesspeople showing them how to dramatically boost their productivity, reduce the stress and the mess in their lives and have more time for enjoying their life.

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