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Henry Ford thought success thoughts.
Thomas Edison thought success thoughts.
Tony Robbins and Donald Trump think success thoughts, each and every day, as often as they can!
As human beings, we are all subject to slacking off, and no person can honestly remain in totally “positive mode” every second of every waking hour. However, simple yet powerful rule is that your thoughts dictate what happens to you, not only in business, but also in your personal life. Think good thoughts – get good things in return. Think GREAT thoughts – get GREAT results! Change your belief system – change your results!
Don’t believe me?
Here’s what Henry Ford had to say on subject: “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right!”
Modern day master motivator Tony Robbins chimes in: “If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.” (this HAS to make sense to you:-)
Famous author, Dr. Joyce Brothers, offers this pearl: “Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.”
The Reverend Robert Schuller says: “The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking.”
Donald Trump has it: “If you're going to be thinking, you may as well think big.”
I wouldn’t dare put myself into same category as above icons but I can tell you in no uncertain terms that EVERY time I have reaped financial benefits and personal satisfaction from having a project become successful, I WAS thinking “right stuff”!
Reflecting back on my entrepreneurial path, I can see that almost every time a project failed, I was not “in-tune” with universe nor was I “thinking success thoughts”. I was thinking limiting, negative thoughts, such as how much money I was spending developing project or how much time was being spent to complete it or worse, visualizing it as a failure, which is exactly what it became!
This is no coincidence. It’s a Universal Law. Change your thinking – change your results!
Even The Bible says it’s so: “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. [Proverbs 23:7]”
So, burning question becomes: “Can YOU Think Your Way to Top!?”
And here’s real answer: “YES, You CAN Think Your Way to Top by thinking very same success thoughts as world’s most successful entrepreneurs!”
Let me leave you with chorus lyrics of a song I co-wrote called “I Will” with hope they will begin to get you thinking right stuff!:
I Will because I can I’ll Do cause I believe The strength I need to make change Is deep inside of me I’ll Walk where I have crawled I will Run til I can fly My wings will fill my dreams will soar The moment that I say I Will
Here’s to seeing You at Top!
© Rick Beneteau
Rick is co-creator of the breakthrough Make Every Day A Great Day Program. Read the powerful, life-changing testimonials and discover how this revolutionary product can dramatically change Your Life too!: