The Great Direct Marketing Conundrum

Written by Daegan Smith

Continued from page 1

  • Telemarketing: For telemarketing you can userepparttar same list as for your direct mailers. Take care to suitrepparttar 119606 message to a telephone call; keep it short and conversational. Telemarketing, by far gets yourepparttar 119607 quickest result. One phone call can get your sales team appointments for demos or a meeting to talk about your company. Another valuable response it can get you is a confirmed negative answer. This will help you fine-tune your list better and not waste any more time or money in trying to contact a person who really doesn’t need your services or is plain not interested.

  • Postcards: One ofrepparttar 119608 biggest advantages of using postcards is its “openness”, literally. Use compelling and creative copy on postcards. Team it up with visual content, and nine times out of ten,repparttar 119609 receiver is more likely to give it a read rather than dump it inrepparttar 119610 bin immediately. It is an effective and a very affordable way to contact and keep in touch with your existing and potential customers.

  • Email: Withrepparttar 119611 WWW beingrepparttar 119612 life source of home businesses, can you ignore email? It is easilyrepparttar 119613 most affordable and time saving direct marketing tool, that can get your message across to thousands of people and allow them to respond just as easily. Decide onrepparttar 119614 copy very carefully, so that it stands out above allrepparttar 119615 junk mail that account holders receive every day. You can buy mailing lists, again from list brokers. Fine-tune your message so as to be able to pack inrepparttar 119616 most relevant information in a short paragraph. Add visuals, links to your website and contact information. This should include a phone and a fax number a postal address and a contact person’s name.

    Before you begin a direct marketing exercise, spend considerable time on evaluating what tools would berepparttar 119617 best for your business; effective but not cost-prohibitive; how would you tailor your message for brochures, mailers, emails etc., so as to break away fromrepparttar 119618 clutter and maximize impact. Once you are through with this, spend time on creatingrepparttar 119619 mailing list withrepparttar 119620 right names. If you are able to bring downrepparttar 119621 cost of your direct mailing exercise to even 30 cents, but have a mailing list of 20, 000 people, all wrong names…. every cent has gone downrepparttar 119622 drain! Someone once said, “There is a difference between Efficiency and Effectiveness. Efficiency is doingrepparttar 119623 right thing, but Effectiveness is doingrepparttar 119624 thing right!” So work at making an effective direct marketing plan and see your business expand and become financially more robust.

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  • Improving Customer Relationships: Beyond the Buzz

    Written by Hank Brigman

    Continued from page 1

    Improving your customer relationships can deliver tangible results to your organization. For example, as a result of consistently superior touchpoint experiences with her local Lexus dealer,repparttar marketing executive of a $5 billion dollar division of a Fortune 10 conglomerate became motivated to improverepparttar 119605 customer-centricity of her own organization. She recognizedrepparttar 119606 impact of consistently positive touchpoints on her brand perception of Lexus, her purchase decision, and her resultant advocacy ofrepparttar 119607 automaker. By applying Touchpoint Mapping, Touchpoint Metrics recently helped this executive’s organization dramatically improve touchpoint performance acrossrepparttar 119608 organization. Both “voice of customer” customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction scores have increased, and these indications of enhanced customer-centricity are expected to translate into added sales and profitability.

    Avis implemented a CTM initiative to understand and improve key customer touchpoints. As result, Avis gained market share in key travel markets and became a leader in customer loyalty and satisfaction as measured by Brand Keys and JD Powers.

    Both of these companies, along with other forward thinking organizations, are applyingrepparttar 119609 concepts of Customer Touchpoint Management to improve customer relationships, touchpoint by touchpoint. The benefits are powerful, creating happier customers and employees, and improvingrepparttar 119610 financial metrics that create happier owners.

    Hank Brigman is President/CEO of Touchpoint Metrics, the research consultancy that pioneered Touchpoint Mapping(TM), and author of the upcoming book “Touchpoint Power!.” For more information and to download the white paper, “Touchpoint Mapping: Improve Customer Experiences and Relationships Through Touchpoint Optimization,” visit

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