The Great American Dream Challenge: Faith Restored

Written by Marcia Wieder

Continued from page 1

Now, with members from all overrepparttar world, My Dream Circle provides support through ongoing encouragement, coaching, inspiration and most importantly, accountability for taking risks. There is even a Dream Fund available. We are finding new dreams, partners, investors, volunteers, answers, creative ideas, mentors, friends, and fellow dreamers. But beyond networking, educating, challenging and celebrating, we are a community with a shared commitment that is profoundly impacting lives.

Your Invitation

If we bring our intentions, offer support and resources to aid each other, what could happen? Just reading this might activate a healthy cynic, but during a time when many have lost hope, are afraid of dreaming or taking risks, this isrepparttar 141793 essential time for us to be bold. What would you do if you believed in yourself? What might you change if you believed in your dreams? And how would you alter your life if you knew people would stand by and help you to achieve your heart’s desire?

Find out by going to where you can get what you need to achieve any dream. You don’t have to go it alone. Even if you are in need of a new dream, we’re here to offer a hand. Our goal is that everyone who participates inrepparttar 141794 Great American Dream Challenge will be successful in reaching their dreams.

It’s unheard of and outrageous! Yes, it’s a dream. We intend to prove that as a nation we still have faith and dreams. And we demonstrate that our dreams are important by pursuing them. The conversation about dreams will change from one of fear, uncertainly and doubt to one of hope and possibility as we dream out loud for all to hear.

Marcia Wieder, America’s Dream Coach, is a best-selling author and speaker known for giving inspiring and moving talks to AT&T, The Gap and American Express. She appeared several times on Oprah and The Today Show. She’s also writes for The San Francisco Chronicle. To receive Marcia's free e-book filled with simple steps you can take to act on any dream. Send a request to: To experience a Powerful Weekend Designed to Help You Exceed Your Expectations & Achieve Your Dreams, visit

Marcia Wieder, America’s Dream Coach, is a best-selling author and speaker known for giving inspiring and moving talks to AT&T, The Gap and American Express. To experience a Powerful Weekend Designed to Help You Exceed Your Expectations & Achieve Your Dreams, visit

8 Keys to Lasting Love

Written by Linda Miles

Continued from page 1
* Eliminate attack thoughts. These thoughts are incredibly destructive over time. If you attack other people and attack yourself and your thoughts, it really interferes with your happiness and with your peace of mind. Learn to find joy even in difficult times. As Mother Theresa once said, "Our best protection is a joyful heart." * Do not hold onto anger. Holding onto anger is like drinking Drano. Turn attack thoughts into something constructive. Think thoughts that are appreciative of your partner and express them often. Build up an emotional bank account so you have positive emotion currency when angry times come. * Wake up without makeup. On soap operas I see women wake up first thing inrepparttar morning with all their makeup and false eyelashes, and that's not real. What we need to do in a marriage is to learn to be more and more real, and more and more safe to be who we truly are. * Wake up and make up. It is very important for couples to learn to repair after a fight. Keep trying to find solutions. Do not get stuck rehashingrepparttar 141792 past. Live inrepparttar 141793 present, and find ways to keep your marriage buoyant and alive. * If you want to change your relationship, change yourself. Reinvent yourself, because you're not going to be able to change your partner. Learn to love in a mature way without trying to control or manipulate. C.S. Lewis once said, "To love without control or manipulation is to be surprised by joy." You will be truly surprised by joy when you can live inrepparttar 141794 moment with that other person.

Dr. Linda Miles has a doctorate in Counseling Psychology and over thirty years of experience in the field of mental health. She has appeared as an expert on numerous radio and television shows, and along with her husband has written an award-winning book about relationships. For her other books and recordings, please visit

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