The Great AdventureWritten by Liz Shaw
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After about 2 years, I was healthy enough to leave Cancer Land. I could have gone back to Hatville, but by this time, I had no desire to do so. I ventured instead into unknown territory beyond Cancer Land, and I found myself in a vast open area with choices open to me for miles around. Infinite choices. But there was no road, no path, no direction. I didn't know what to do! I scrambled around, trying to find a path and found myself going in circles. Finally I found a wise woman who said to me, "It's time to stop DOing and to simply BE." It was at that moment that I realized that this part of journey would mean going deep inside, into core of my Self, to discover treasure within. Once grasped, treasure would enlighten my choices and path would appear. (Liz lays down hat and stick, and takes a deep, cleansing breath.) Let me introduce my core Beingness to you tonight. I am Liz. I am courage and hope. I am laughter and joy. I am sorrow and tears. I am pain and forgiveness. I am compassion and empathy. I am responsibility and integrity. I am a child and I am an adult. I am freedom and respect. I am paradox. I am The Beloved. I am a song that God sings in shower every morning and then can't get off His mind all day long. I... am... Liz.

Liz Shaw has survived everything life has thrown at her and has been called "The Energizer Bunny" and a Timex watch (Takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'). She now devotes her life to coaching others who are stuck or in a downward spiral and need a guide. She can be contacted via her web site at
| | Pilgrimage: A MeditationWritten by Maureen Killoran, MA, DMin
Continued from page 1 Let your feet carry you to entrance of a cave. Sit there, and listen, to what cave will say. Sit there. Listen. It is for this moment that you were born. It is for this moment that Life has called you to this place. Sit. Listen. Know your presence as your prayer.© Maureen Killoran, 1997

Maureen Killoran is a Life Coach and Unitarian minister, with a passion for helping people connect their strengths with their vision. Her work includes individual and group coaching, teleclasses, tele-support communities, and a free monthly e-zine. Maureen brings a breadth of experience and a lot of joyful energy to her intuitively-grounded practice. Learn more at