The Good Old Days

Written by Katherine Westphal

Continued from page 1


There can be a room full of people, but if a TV is playing, everyone will be plugged intorepparttar set, mesmerized byrepparttar 100491 flickering lights. Watch it. Watch a party be ground to a halt by a TV.

That is what is happening on a larger scale with our communities. There are communities full of people, all ignoring each other as they are plugged into their TV. Drive around almost any community at night. Are people gathered in groups gossiping and having fun with one another? More likely, you will pass by a plethora of isolated houses with eerie lights flickering throughrepparttar 100492 windows. From a distance those lights are downright creepy.


Get a taste ofrepparttar 100493 "good old days" by turning offrepparttar 100494 TV. It is not that problems vanish when you turn OFFrepparttar 100495 TV. Problems do not vanish any more than they do whenrepparttar 100496 TV is ON. My idyllic scene was disrupted shortly after I descibed it byrepparttar 100497 kids' bickering. However, they resolved their differences and started playing inrepparttar 100498 sandbox.

That isrepparttar 100499 key. They were still interacting and could resolve their problems. Turning offrepparttar 100500 TV frees them to solve their problems and to grow in their relationships.

I have studied history extensively. I know full well thatrepparttar 100501 past is full of pain and suffering as well as joy. People have also made great strides in many social issues overrepparttar 100502 past several decades. Yet, we lost something critical to our existance when we plugged inrepparttar 100503 TV and left it on for over four hours a day. We lostrepparttar 100504 time that used to go to building relationships, to loving, to living, and to connecting with each other.


Go back torepparttar 100505 "good old days" by turning off your TV. Turn it off and play outdoors with your family. Go for a walk. Inviterepparttar 100506 neighbors over for a barbeque. Host a family game night. Read with your children. All these activities are relaxing and build essential relationships. They are also things people used to do inrepparttar 100507 "good old days". Going back is as simple as pushing a button--the OFF button.

Katherine Westphal is the founder of a daring new website Trash Your TV! ( that makes it fun and easy for people to get control of their TV set. Are you addicted to TV? Take our TV Addiction Quiz ( and find out!

Your Beautiful Baby--Understanding Early Childhood Development

Written by Larry Denton

Continued from page 1

Althoughrepparttar need for attachment continues for many years,repparttar 100470 process of separation also begins duringrepparttar 100471 first year of a child's life. A major milestone is reached when children learn to separate fromrepparttar 100472 parents by crawling and then by walking. Psychological separation begins as well: babies start, non-verbally, to express their own desires and opinions. Many child development experts view early childhood as a series of alternating attachment and separation phases that help to establishrepparttar 100473 child as an independent person who can relate happily to others.

Toddlers continuerepparttar 100474 attachment--separation cycle in more sophisticated ways duringrepparttar 100475 second year. The "terrible twos" arrive with your child sometimes protesting violently when you must leave them. Anxiety about separating from you heightens, and they may express anger. During this stage, when you must both guide and protect your child,, you become a "no" sayer. Your child becomes frustrated and shows it in new ways. Helpless crying comes first, and later your child may exhibit aggressive behavior by hitting, pushing, biting or throwing things.

Such behavior often frightens and puzzles parents, who wonder ifrepparttar 100476 child is normal. It should help you to know that this type of behavior is normal for toddlers, who have deep conflicting wishes about their individuality ("me do it myself"), and their anxiety about separating from you.

Handlingrepparttar 100477 tantrums, setting limits, and encouraging language development andrepparttar 100478 expression of feelings consume much of your time and patience. They will grow out of these stages. Welcome to parenthood and best wishes on raising a healthy, happy, well-adjusted baby!

Larry Denton is a retired history teacher having taught 33 years at Hobson High in Hobson, Montana. He is currently Vice President of Elfin Enterprises, Inc., an Internet business dedicated to providing useful information and valuable resources on a variety of timely topics. For a nursery full of information, resources and suggestions about child development, visit

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