The Future of Voiceovers: Hold Your Tongue…Possibly Forever

Written by Peter Drew

Continued from page 1

I've Gotta Sing

And that’srepparttar crux ofrepparttar 133366 matter. The appeal of virtual entertainers probably will be quite limited—at least forrepparttar 133367 foreseeable future—because they can’t tour, do drugs, get into fights, sue their record labels, promote world peace, raise money for charity, or do anything live flesh and blood performers can do. We,repparttar 133368 audience, loverepparttar 133369 performer as much asrepparttar 133370 performer’s music. And, in this case, that’s a good thing. Tony Bennett,repparttar 133371 White Stripes, Diana Krall, Toby Keith, Frederica von Stade, and all ofrepparttar 133372 American Idol wannabes are quite safe from Vocaloid elimination.

Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

But voice over talents may not be so lucky. Voice talents are not seen. They don’t have adoring fans, except their moms and, maybe, a few other voice-over talents. They perform in short increments: 30 seconds, 60 seconds, a 30 minute narration on how to make a million in real estate. If speech synthesis has reached a point of sophistication sufficient enough to create virtual singers, what’s to prevent a software genius from developing a program to replace voice talent? Writerepparttar 133373 program. Sample 300 to 500 voices, male and female, each with unique characteristics, incorporate them intorepparttar 133374 software and, voilá, Instant Announcer in a Box. Just load your script text intorepparttar 133375 program, which convertsrepparttar 133376 text to perfectly uttered speech. No retakes. With a few clicks ofrepparttar 133377 mouse to tweak inflection, emphasis, pacing, dynamics, etc. to polishrepparttar 133378 natural feel ofrepparttar 133379 voice-over and you’re done.

Far-fetched? If entertainment’s got a virtual band call The Bots, why can’t advertising and marketing have its own virtual Don Pardo?

Well, it seems maybe they can...

©Peter Drew

Peter Drew, a freelance voice-over talent and copywriter/producer with 28 years of experience, is heard on radio and television stations, corporate presentations, web sites, and messages-on-hold across America and countries around the world. To send an email regarding this article, please visit Peter Drew Voiceovers at

One Small Step for Man – One Giant Bill from Tech. Support

Written by Pete McFraser

Continued from page 1

Sound a bit hokey? That’srepparttar claim TransOrbital makes in a recent PC Magazine article. Laurie said, "September 11 caused people to think about what data backup really means, and there is also alwaysrepparttar 133365 threat of a natural disaster here on earth, such as a small asteroid hittingrepparttar 133366 planet."

Would it really work—data centers onrepparttar 133367 moon? The plan is to build server-friendly environments that could providerepparttar 133368 “atmosphere” necessary for self-healing servers. Small shelter-like structures that could keep a normal temperature, air pressure, etc. need to be built onrepparttar 133369 moon; currently, Tran Orbital isrepparttar 133370 only company withrepparttar 133371 licensing to do it. While they’re up there, TransOrbital, using Hewlett-Packard technology, plans to make live digital images ofrepparttar 133372 earth available onrepparttar 133373 web. They also offer to ship personal objects torepparttar 133374 moon for safe-keeping for a small fee of $2500 per gram.

The proposal certainly has its fair share of skeptics. The biggest argument being thatrepparttar 133375 likelihood of an asteroid hittingrepparttar 133376 earth is miniscule compared to one hittingrepparttar 133377 moon. Earth’s atmosphere burns up most ofrepparttar 133378 debris that would otherwise hitrepparttar 133379 surface, whilerepparttar 133380 moon has no such protection. Others wonder about upgrading, repairs, and maintenance. As one reader put it, “At 75$ and hour and 30 cents per mile, that’s one hefty bill from tech support.”

Peter McFraser is a marketing representative of Exabyte, located in Boulder, Colorado. Learn more about how you can backup data with Exabyte’s award-winning VXA backup drive.

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