The Future and Your Family

Written by William Cate

Continued from page 1

Global Warming

Global warming is reality. Ocean levels will rise. Low-lying countries will disappear. River deltas, likerepparttar Nile, will either be covered with salt water or salt water will invaderepparttar 140591 groundwater table making irrigation agricultural impossible. Since deltas are a major source of food production aroundrepparttar 140592 world, food supplies will diminish. Climatic zones will move North and South fromrepparttar 140593 Equator. Whilerepparttar 140594 North American wheat belt will go north, it will take centuries forrepparttar 140595 Taiga soil to evolve torepparttar 140596 point where it can support commercial wheat production. As global warming continues andrepparttar 140597 population grows,repparttar 140598 food production will fall. Within thirty years, there won't be any food exporting countries. The economic bubbles that are India and China will have burst andrepparttar 140599 struggle will be to feed people not to export goods torepparttar 140600 West.

There are scores of environmental problems whose bills will become due inrepparttar 140601 next fifty years. We lackrepparttar 140602 resources and technology to meetrepparttar 140603 challenges of these costs. The Mother of All Depressions will be followed by a Multi-Century Dark Ages.

Your Family's Lifeboat Options

If you're over 50 years of age and without descendants, you need not worry too much aboutrepparttar 140604 future. You won't be around when things really turn bad. If you have a family and want to see your children surviverepparttar 140605 future, there are some steps you should consider taking now:

1. If you live in a country that is likely to have severe economic and environment problems in this Century, immigrate now. Canada or New Zealand should be your first choices. You should consider Australia, Western Europe andrepparttar 140606 United States. Immigration is difficult, but it is certainly possible.

2. Anyone under 40 years of age should have some skill that would be needed in a Depression whererepparttar 140607 local currency has become worthless. For instance, if your profession is in construction, agriculture or medicine, you have such barter skills. If you are a store manager or a bureaucrat, you should consider developing a useful hobby, like gardening, canning, or fishing, into a barter skill. You should encourage your family members to dorepparttar 140608 same.

3. Globalize to Survive. While governments discourage their citizens from moving assets offshore, it is essential to do it forrepparttar 140609 long-term survival of any family. If your children must move to another country, havingrepparttar 140610 money to do so is essential to making a success of life in their new home. It's not that difficult to open an offshore bank account or create a foreign corporation. It's a wise insurance policy against an uncertain and probably bad future.

If you disagree with my view ofrepparttar 140611 future, make a copy of this article and read it again in twenty years. If you believe thatrepparttar 140612 preponderance of evidence supports my vision ofrepparttar 140613 future and want more detailed advice on how to function in a world gone mad, email me at:

He has been the Managing Director of Beowulf Investments [] since 1981 and is the Executive Director of the Global Village Investment Club []

Insurance Glossary ot Terms

Written by Ken Barnes

Continued from page 1

Renewable Term - Term Insurance that may be renewed for another term without evidence of insurability.

Single Premium Policy - Where a single lump sum is paid for an insurance policy.

Sum Insured - The amount of money that is guaranteed to be paid under an insurance policy, before any bonuses are added.

Surrender Value - Not applicable to all life insurance policies. The amount that an insurance policyholder is entitled to receive when he or she discontinues coverage

Term Insurance - Provides policyholder with protection only. Life insurance payable to a beneficiary only when an insured dies within a specified number of years (the term). If you live beyondrepparttar term you do not receive any payment. This is thought to berepparttar 140567 cheapest type of insurance.

Terminal Bonus - This is an extra bonus determined when a death or maturity claim is paid. Terminal bonus is often only paid ifrepparttar 140568 policy has been in-force for a minimum number of years at claim time. The amount is dependent uponrepparttar 140569 profits made byrepparttar 140570 insurance company.

Unitised With Profits Fund - Also known as a Unit-Linked With Profits Fund. A type of Life Fund that can invest in UK and overseas shares, property, fixed interest securities and cash. When you invest in this fund through an insurance policy, you buy 'units'. When an annual bonus is declared, you can either receive more units or it is added torepparttar 140571 unit price on a daily basis. Due torepparttar 140572 addition of bonusesrepparttar 140573 unit price does not reflectrepparttar 140574 value ofrepparttar 140575 underlying investments.

Unit-Linked - Also called Unitised. If your insurance policy is unit-linked, some of your money is used to purchase 'units' in a fund. The value of your policy at maturity is dependent uponrepparttar 140576 growth ofrepparttar 140577 fund in whichrepparttar 140578 policy is invested. Generally refers to policies that offer protection and saving such as endowment insurance, whole life insurance and investment bonds.

Unit-Linked Single Premium Bond - A single lump sum life insurance policy where your investment is spread over a number of Life Funds.

Whole Life Insurance - Whole life insurance provides a death benefit forrepparttar 140579 policyholder as it builds up cash value. The policy remains in force forrepparttar 140580 lifetime ofrepparttar 140581 insured, as long as premiums are paid according torepparttar 140582 policy agreement. You can choose insurance that pays out on death a guaranteed sum only,repparttar 140583 sum plus any bonuses that have been added, orrepparttar 140584 sum plus any additional value fromrepparttar 140585 growth ofrepparttar 140586 funds invested in.

Without Profits - When a policy reaches maturity orrepparttar 140587 policyholder dies,repparttar 140588 amount paid out isrepparttar 140589 basic guaranteed sum only. You would not be entitled to any bonuses.

With Profits - Relates to insurance policies that combine investment with protection. This type of policy is entitled to a share ofrepparttar 140590 profits made byrepparttar 140591 insurance company. Premiums are invested inrepparttar 140592 with profit fund, reversionary bonuses are applied usually on an annual basis which reflectrepparttar 140593 investment growth ofrepparttar 140594 fund assets. On death and/or maturity a further terminal bonus might be applied torepparttar 140595 fund value.

With Profits Bond - An insurance policy where your lump sum is in most cases invested in a Unitised With Profits Fund (which is listed underrepparttar 140596 Life Funds section).


First Hand Insurance are Life Insurance and House Insurance specialists in the UK.

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