The Function of Philosophy

Written by Peter M.K. Chan

Continued from page 1

There are two general requirements that any adequate theory must attempt to meet. They are comprehensiveness and coherence. Comprehensiveness requires that all known facts must be taken into account. Coherence requires that such accounts should be systematically consistent. But givenrepparttar progressive character of human knowledge, these are tall orders that no theory is likely to fulfill on a permanent basis. What is considered adequate is always relative torepparttar 122296 knowledge context and intellectual climate ofrepparttar 122297 time. Any theory that falls short in any of these respects will sooner rather than later be relegated. The history of thought is littered with many once consideredrepparttar 122298 most comprehensive and coherent of explanations. This is true of philosophy as it is of science. History has shown that inrepparttar 122299 shifting sand of knowledge and interpretation, even a relatively adequate theory of human reality is difficult to come by. This is why there have not been many who are able to dictaterepparttar 122300 course of theoretical thought for hundreds of years. And if history is any guide, even these must inrepparttar 122301 end also come to grief.

Looking back, it must be said that failure notwithstanding,repparttar 122302 dominant philosophy of an era is representative ofrepparttar 122303 metaphysical mentality of its time. It incorporates whatrepparttar 122304 era deems to be matters of fact as well as what it does not really know. For this reason, evaluation ofrepparttar 122305 past should always be accompanied by an appreciation for its knowledge and conceptual constraints. No generation should fall prey torepparttar 122306 illusion that it has theorized or philosophized any better than its predecessors. Criticism fromrepparttar 122307 benefit of hindsight alone is cheap. It is important to know where others were right and why they were right. It is just as important to understand where others had erred and why they had erred. What was it that made people reasonedrepparttar 122308 way they did? Given what they then knew andrepparttar 122309 conceptual bias they had, could they have thought otherwise? How could their theories be improved upon inrepparttar 122310 light of what we now know? To answer such questions isrepparttar 122311 basic function of philosophy. As understood by its ancient founders, philosophy meansrepparttar 122312 love of wisdom. It is not onlyrepparttar 122313 desire to understand what isrepparttar 122314 case and how it isrepparttar 122315 case. It is alsorepparttar 122316 desire to understand what is notrepparttar 122317 case, and why it could not possibly berepparttar 122318 case. The former leads to knowledge,repparttar 122319 latter to wisdom. A non-reflective life, as Socrates once said, is not worth living.

Author: Peter M.K. Chan

The strange neighborhood of truth is always less comfortable thanrepparttar 122320 familiar circles of falsehood – PMKC. ========================================================================

Author of book titled The Mystery of Mind - a systematic and critical introduction to the philosophy of mind.

Affirming Money

Written by Skye Thomas

Continued from page 1

Our belief systems around money definitely matter. What we think about ourselves and money is more powerful than many people realize. Most kids raised in wealthy families are not only taught how to make money, but also there's an underlying belief that they'll naturally carry onrepparttar family tradition. Most kids raised in poverty are taught nothing whatsoever about how to amass wealth and are conditioned to believe that they'll never be rich anyway. Those arerepparttar 122295 extremes. Most of us are somewhere inrepparttar 122296 middle and so is our perceived earning potential.

Take some time and seriously dig through your thoughts about money. What were you taught? What was role modeled to you? Facing your self-limiting thoughts will help you to stop letting them run your life. You will have to work overtime guarding your every thought as you proceed downrepparttar 122297 trail towards a life of abundance. A big piece of that will involve stating affirmations. It is a method of changingrepparttar 122298 computer program running in your brain. Let's say that your original software was designed to believe that there isn't enough wealth to go around and therefore it's going to be next to impossible for you to get your hands on any of it. You want to upgrade to a newer program that helps you to manifest more money in your life. Unfortunately,repparttar 122299 human brain doesn't allow a program to be erased once it's put in place. So, you're going to have to put an overriding program overtop ofrepparttar 122300 original flawed program. Every timerepparttar 122301 old program starts babbling about scarcity andrepparttar 122302 lack of money to be found, you have to immediately tell your brain to stop and playrepparttar 122303 new program that believes that there is more than enough to go around. You do that by telling yourself positive affirmations. Force your mind to really see tangible proof that there is enough money inrepparttar 122304 world for you to liverepparttar 122305 life that you dream of.

Affirmations are amazing and powerful, but all by themselves, they aren't going to do you a bit of good. Very few self-made millionaires did it be sitting inrepparttar 122306 lotus position stating torepparttar 122307 cosmos that their bank account was magically growing all by itself. You still have to get up and do something. Sell something. Give away a service. Teach something. Make people feel something. Build something. Yes, you ought to pick something that you love doing because it'll be easier to become really good at it. Nobody wants to be an expert in a topic that bores them to death. It's kind of like that story ofrepparttar 122308 little engine trying to drag itself up overrepparttar 122309 hill, "I think I can. I think I can. I think I can." Atrepparttar 122310 same time, he was working harder then he ever had in his entire life. Do that.

Copyright 2004, Skye Thomas, Tomorrow's Edge

Skye Thomas became a writer in 1999 after twenty years of studying spirituality, metaphysics, astrology, personal growth, motivation, and parenting. Her books and articles have inspired people of all ages and faiths to recommit themselves to the pursuit of happiness. To read more of her articles, sign up to receive her free weekly newsletter, and get free previews of her books go to

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