The Fitness Stress Test

Written by Brian D. Johnston

Continued from page 1

VO2max is another important consideration ofrepparttar stress test and this correlates well with physical fitness at least in a cardiorespiratory and cardiovascular sense. The amount of oxygen consumed byrepparttar 144932 myocardium is dependent on oxygen demand: heart rate, contractility, and wall tension. The individual will exercise untilrepparttar 144933 oxygen demand byrepparttar 144934 myocardial cells exceedsrepparttar 144935 ability ofrepparttar 144936 stenotic coronary artery to deliver oxygen. In other words, exercise continues untilrepparttar 144937 coronary reserve has been exhausted. At this point, ischemia is induced and exercise must be terminated. Duringrepparttar 144938 exercise test, ifrepparttar 144939 individual experiences pectoral angina, intense dyspnea or unusual changes on repparttar 144940 electrocardiogram, or significant rhythm change due to a heart block or ventricular disturbance, an unsupervised exercise program may be contraindicated.

The test may be stopped for reasons other than reaching a VO2max upper threshold or having chest discomfort; fatigue, dyspnea, and musculoskeletal problems may causerepparttar 144941 mature adult to discontinue exercise. The test also will be terminated ifrepparttar 144942 blood pressure drops asrepparttar 144943 work increases. Blood pressure is recorded beforerepparttar 144944 test, at an exercise peak, and at recovery. Diastolic BP should remain constant, but could increase slightly because of anxiety. It then could decrease oncerepparttar 144945 test begins. Systolic BP usually increases by 60+/-25 mm Hg in males 50-64 years of age, and by 40+/-20 mm Hg in women inrepparttar 144946 same age group. For example, ifrepparttar 144947 systolic BP fails to increase, or initially increases then drops by more than 20 mm Hg during exercise, then it may indicate severe left ventricular dysfunction. Shouldrepparttar 144948 systolic blood pressure fall more than 30mm Hg, then an unsupervised exercise program may be contraindicated.

Sometimesrepparttar 144949 stress test shows heart complications when, in fact, extrinsic factors are responsible, and this will cause a false-positive result. These include:



-Drug use (e.g., antidepressants) -repparttar 144950 physician will take into accountrepparttar 144951 effects of any medicationrepparttar 144952 individual may be taking

-Malfunctioning ECG recording equipment

-And a host of other minor heart complications that should not stop an individual from participating in an exercise program.

It will be up torepparttar 144953 physician to removerepparttar 144954 causative agent and re-testrepparttar 144955 patient. This especially is necessary to discover ifrepparttar 144956 patient is asymptomatic or hasrepparttar 144957 potential for a high exercise capacity. A false-negative test resulting from an extrinsic factor is even more disturbing as this would indicate failure to diagnoserepparttar 144958 presence of abnormal coronary arteries. It then is up torepparttar 144959 physician to rely on other test procedures and forrepparttar 144960 individual orrepparttar 144961 fitness professional to monitor progress carefully and to supplyrepparttar 144962 physician with any information in regard to physical difficulty during exercise.

Ifrepparttar 144963 test is performed properly, and there is a negative ECG response to exercise,repparttar 144964 test does not indicate coronary disease necessarily. Rather, it implies a risk factor that must be taken into consideration when an exercise program is created, and that there must be close monitoring ofrepparttar 144965 individual’s health and fitness level.


-Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack)

-Uncontrolled congestive heart failure

-Acute inflammatory cardiac disease, e.g., active rheumatic heart disease, myocarditis

-Acute asthma or pneumonia

-Blood pressure greater than 240/120 mm Hg and uncontrolled

-Acute renal (kidney) disease

Brian D. Johnston is the Director of Education and President of the I.A.R.T. fitness certification and education institute. He has written over 12 books and is a contributing author to the Merck Medical Manual. An international lecturer, Mr. Johnston wears many hats in the fitness and health industries, and can be reached at Visit his site at for more free articles.

Thinking Of Visiting Your Local Tanning Salon?

Written by Tim Gorman

Continued from page 1

There are certain medications that can not be taken if you plan to tan in commercial tanning beds.

People who are very fair and do not tan well or at all should not use commercial tanning beds. If you have a history of skin cancer in your family,repparttar use of commercial tanning beds may not be a good idea.

Did you suffer from a really bad sunburn as a child? You may want to avoid commercial tanning beds.

Some people have a medical condition that becomes worse when they are exposed to sunlight. If this describes you, you should not tan in commercial tanning beds.

If you are thinking of using commercial tanning beds you haverepparttar 144902 best information so you will be able to tan as safely as possible.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more tanning bed information on tanning bed bulbs, tanning bed lotions and tanning bed information that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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