The Fisherman SweaterWritten by Mark Shenton
Continued from page 1 The fisherman sweater first worn by fishermen was a long garment, tightly fitted, designed to protect a sailor’s back and keep body warm. Highly practical, it had buttons on side to aid quick wearing and removal, and was made from unwashed sheep wool, which still contained sheep’s natural oil, which had protected sheep from elements; this oil is removed from modern wool, as it can smell a bit. The fisherman’s sweaters were made in many colours like red, white, blue, and fancy patterns were eventually woven into sweaters to depict ropes and ladders etc.The future of Fisherman Sweater It has been a long journey for fisherman sweater and it has survived many changes in fashion. In these times of high-tech clothing made in some cases from materials that were first invented for astronauts, it is nice to know that a garment made from good old fashioned wool which has been knitted in a design which has not changed much in hundreds of years ago is still as popular as ever and probably will still be for some time yet.
Mark Shenton Owner of
| | Do words really hurtWritten by Angela Renee
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Most would tell you that person may or not used words but they surely felt hatred by person who abused them. Now let’s go through same process for women who’s said to be going through emotional abuse. She too experiences physical abuse with every spoken word that strikes and attacks her mind, body and spirit. Abuse is abuse whether physical, emotional or both and it attacks mind, body, and spirit to kill anything and anyone in its path unless something can be done by all of willing and maybe not willing to neutralize source. What do we tell our daughters and sons about being abused and those who abuse? When is it abuse? Does one affect mind, body and spirit less than other or does it have same affect on women's health?
Hi, my name is Angela Renee a wife, a mother of three and an infopreneur that works to assist all mothers especially those with newborns and pre-teens with every single aspect of their life as a woman, as a partner, and as a mother. Find articles on relationships, family fun, working and more all at