The Fastest Delete Finger in the Midwest!

Written by Terri Seymour

Continued from page 1

So, I was able to save my account, but I know of several people who didn't get off so easy.

I rarely gripe about anything like this because I know a lot of computer problems are out of our control, but this is a problem caused by people, not machines!

This is really getting out of I have come up with a very simple yet effective idea for getting rid of sp~m! Are you ready for this???

Ok, first you click onrepparttar sp~m message in your inbox. Makerepparttar 108949 determination ( be sure now) that it is, indeed, sp~m. Then you stick up your index or other finger if you prefer ( be nice now) ;-) and pushrepparttar 108950 magic button marked D-E-L-E-T-E. This will makerepparttar 108951 sp~m magically disappear!

I have used this method of sp~m destruction since starting onrepparttar 108952 Internet and have found it to be most effective. I receive hundreds of sp~m messages a day, but always manage to make each and every one disappear forever!

I also have some tips for people who do not want to receive any so-called sp~m:

1. Do Not subscribe to any newsletters! 2. Do Not sign-up for special offers! 3. Do Not request any information via autoresponder! 4. Do Not send any email to anyone at anytime! 5. Do Not use your email for any reason whatsoever!

I assure you if you follow all these tips you will never receive any sp~m!

I know I have been a little ridiculous in making my point, but that just is my point. All this hullabaloo about sp~m is ridiculous. It is simply junk mail and can be deleted without any trouble, hassle or problems!

Try it a few times and you will soon be like me - I have repparttar 108953 fastest delete finger inrepparttar 108954 Midwest!! Anyone care to challenge me?? ;-)

Wishing you a wonderfully warm and joyous Christmas!

************* Terri Seymour and her husband Terry offer a no-cost, non-MLM home business opportunity. They strive to help you build a successful home business. They also provide a website building service. Take advantage of the gifts, resources & more provided for your home and business at FREE ecourse at:


Look Before You Leap!

Written by John M. Grover

Continued from page 1

The wave ofrepparttar future

The B2C bubble burst and now evidence seems to point torepparttar 108947 fact that B2B has not taken off as earlier expected. But is this really a business failing or just a timing issue? Onlyrepparttar 108948 truly naïve would fail to face up torepparttar 108949 fact that inrepparttar 108950 end most business transactions will be handled online. It is just a matter of when and how soon your business will get on board (or your competition’s).

As more and more consumers begin and continue to buy online, it is evident thatrepparttar 108951 problem has been with viable e-business models, notrepparttar 108952 concept. Selling products and services online and foolish business models are two different issues and no reason to be left behind as businesses begin to get it right.

How to get there from here

It is no time to panic, but it is time for businesses, small and large alike, to begin (if they have not already done so) thinking about their e-business strategies. And those companies who have made a less-than-successful attempt at an e-business initiative, should revisit their planning process and evaluate their earlier effort. (Develop a good strategy now and try to salvage as much as possible, but learn from your earlier mistakes.)

If your customers and suppliers are inrepparttar 108953 development stages of e-business application systems, you don’t want to be left inrepparttar 108954 dark when they are looking for compatible customers and suppliers themselves. Now isrepparttar 108955 time to plan, not when you are required to comply or take your business elsewhere. By beginningrepparttar 108956 strategic planning cycle early, you can plan to implement systems in smaller more manageable increments. Smaller more manageable steps also means that your development efforts will be more flexible and easy to adjust as newer technologies or strategies become desirable.

In order to survive inrepparttar 108957 long term, you are going to have to come to grips with how you are going to purchase supplies and sell your products and services in an online environment. You might as well beginrepparttar 108958 thought and planning process right now, before it is an emergency.

Companies that wish to embark on successful e-business initiatives must first make sure that these projects align with their long range business plans and goals (and often these have also not been well thought out and articulated.) And you have a business to run. So don’t be afraid to seek help. But remember, before you hire your cousin’s whiz-kid to develop a whiz-bang web site, you needrepparttar 108959 direction a well thought out e-business strategy can provide.

Mr. Grover specializes in assisting small and medium sized businesses address the challenges they face when entering the realm or e-business or refocusing an earlier attempt, with strategy development and implementation planning and support. He can be reached at or

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