The F-Word

Written by Kevin B. Burk, Author of The Relationship Handbook

Continued from page 1

It's worth noting that when we choose to hold a grudge and to remain angry, we carryrepparttar pain ofrepparttar 122241 betrayal with us. We experience a small amount of pain each time we think of it. The ego actually wants us to experience this pain, becauserepparttar 122242 little pain will serve to remind us how important it is to avoid repparttar 122243 big pain. Andrepparttar 122244 only way to avoidrepparttar 122245 big pain is to protect ourselves from close, supportive relationships with those who have hurt or betrayed us.

Frequently,repparttar 122246 person that we most need to forgive is our self. We betray ourselves each time we listen torepparttar 122247 ego and forget repparttar 122248 truth of who we are. Andrepparttar 122249 more we betray ourselves,repparttar 122250 more our egos try to protect us (from ourselves, yet!) by strengtheningrepparttar 122251 illusion of separation fromrepparttar 122252 Source. And of course,repparttar 122253 more we believerepparttar 122254 illusion of separation,repparttar 122255 more we betray ourselves, and experience pain. The way to break out of this vicious circle is to forgive ourselves--to "give as before." We must learn to express unconditional love and compassion for ourselves. As we experience this love and compassion, we will reconnect with our true selves. Andrepparttar 122256 more we're able to forgive ourselves,repparttar 122257 more we're able to forgive others.

Kevin B. Burk is the author of The Relationship Handbook: How to Understand and Improve Every Relationship in Your Life. Visit for a FREE report on creating AMAZING Relationships.

Change the Words and Change the World

Written by Kevin B. Burk, Author of The Relationship Handbook

Continued from page 1

If we become aware that we've fallen into an ego trap, we simply use our awareness to escaperepparttar trap. We need only remember that every belief, no matter how limiting, served us well at one time. Many beliefs were created to help us survive difficult and painful situations in our past. However, we're no longer in those situations. Our circumstances have changed, and we have more experience and new skills that can serve us better now. We've simply outgrownrepparttar 122240 need forrepparttar 122241 old beliefs. We can release them because we have more elegant options available to us now.

CHOICE The third and final step is choice. Once we are aware of our beliefs and own them, we have absolute control over them. We can now choose to alter our beliefs, and change our reality. We have repparttar 122242 power to change our lives completely in an instant--we simply need to choose to do so now. I'm sure you've heard similar motivational statements from any number of sources. While it is essentially true that we can change our lives with a simple choice, it's also important to readrepparttar 122243 fine print: We have to continue to make that same choice over and over and over and over and over again. The now when we chose to change our lives is already inrepparttar 122244 past. We have to keep choosing until our new choices, expectations, and beliefs have become habit. We have to continue to choose until our new choices become second nature to us.

Our past experiences certainly influence us. They shape our beliefs, and our expectations. As long as we continue to let ourselves be guided byrepparttar 122245 past, we will create similar experiences inrepparttar 122246 future. The past does not equalrepparttar 122247 future--unless we choose to carryrepparttar 122248 past with us. The cliché, "there's no time likerepparttar 122249 present" is not entirely correct. The truth is that there's no time exceptrepparttar 122250 present. The only time that matters is now. The past is irrelevant;repparttar 122251 future does not exist yet. The only place where we can act, where we can create, where we can choose is now.

Whilerepparttar 122252 past does not need to influence or shaperepparttar 122253 future, many ofrepparttar 122254 choices and thoughts and expectations that we held inrepparttar 122255 past are old habits--and asrepparttar 122256 saying goes, old habits are hard to break. This isrepparttar 122257 one arena whererepparttar 122258 progress of technology has almost eliminated a perfectly good metaphor. Remember vinyl records? Those big things that came before CDs? The groove of a record represents our old patterns. Records could get scratched--that's one ofrepparttar 122259 reasons that CDs are so popular, actually--and a scratch represents a change or a break inrepparttar 122260 old pattern. The only way to truly changerepparttar 122261 old pattern is to interrupt it enough times that a new pattern starts to form. Our patterns are exactly like grooves in records. The olderrepparttar 122262 pattern,repparttar 122263 deeperrepparttar 122264 groove, andrepparttar 122265 more interruptions it will take before we make any permanent changes inrepparttar 122266 pattern. Each time we notice that we have reverted back to our old, negative behaviors, we choose to take a different path.

Sometimes we can get so caught up in our old patterns that it seems like we can't stop ourselves. It's essential that we do not beat ourselves up for not being able to change old habits and behaviors onrepparttar 122267 first try (or evenrepparttar 122268 second or third try)! We may not have completely eliminatedrepparttar 122269 pattern, but we did change it: The fact that we were aware that we were acting out an old pattern is, in itself, a change in that pattern. Each time we encounterrepparttar 122270 pattern, we will become aware of it sooner. Eventually, we will also be able to interruptrepparttar 122271 pattern. And when we can interrupt our old patterns, we haverepparttar 122272 power to choose different, more elegant and supportive responses.

Kevin B. Burk is the author of The Relationship Handbook: How to Understand and Improve Every Relationship in Your Life. Visit for a FREE report on creating AMAZING Relationships.

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