The Essential Oil Home Medicine Chest – Part I: The Oils

Written by Misty Rae Cech

Continued from page 1

Oil #7: Rosemary Rosemary essential oil is an effective physical and mental stimulant, whether used in a diffuser or in a morning bath. It’s slightly spicy, rather than floral aroma, has a warming effect particularly useful for arthritic joints and other muscular complaints. It also has a long history of treatment for colds and flu – Rosemary was a component of ‘Four Thieves Vinegar’, which robbers rubbed upon their bodies to prevent infection when up to no good duringrepparttar plague years ofrepparttar 142631 middle ages. Also, Rosemary isrepparttar 142632 essential oil most often associated with improving hair growth in cases of Alopecia.

Oil #8: Thyme Thyme oil is a powerful antiviral, antibiotic, antiseptic and diuretic, though it should be employed with great care. There are many types of Thyme oil available, but onlyrepparttar 142633 ‘linalol’ chemotype is appropriate for use with children; all varieties should be diluted prior to topical application. Givenrepparttar 142634 precautions, Thyme can be a first line of defense in cases of flu, being used in a room diffuser. It also supports elimination of toxic wastes fromrepparttar 142635 body (particularly noted for excessive uric acid), and it’s warming quality can eliminate mucous and phlegm. It’s application forrepparttar 142636 digestive system is that of a powerful anti-parasitic, and forrepparttar 142637 muscular system, it can be helpful for rheumatic aches and pains. Thyme oil may also be supportive in cases of hair loss.

Oil #9: Lemon A recent study on test-taking college students showedrepparttar 142638 diffusion of Lemon oil into a room improved test scores more than any other oil. In addition to it’s mind-brightening qualities, it can also disinfect room air and act as a natural deodorant. Lemon has been noted to support liver function, and is also commonly used to assist in weight loss and cellulite reduction. In blends, lemon adds a pleasant top note, and can create a synergistic effect with other oils. Finally, Lemon oil is commonly used as both a fragrance and flavoring agent.

Oil #10: Clove The power of Clove essential oil is noted uponrepparttar 142639 first sensing ofrepparttar 142640 aroma – it is quite strong, sharp and earthy. Clove oil has been found to berepparttar 142641 strongest anti-oxidant of any essential oil, and is a component of ‘longevity’ formulas. It is also an extremely potent antibacterial, effective against a broader range of microbes than any other oil except perhaps Oregano – Clove oil has even been employed to sterilize surgical instruments. Clove also has analgesic properties, and can be used to temporarily reducerepparttar 142642 pain of toothache. Clove oil (or ground cloves) is also a component of Dr. Huda Clark’s anti-parasite protocol, helping eliminate parasites from one’s digestive system. This is a very powerful oil which should be diluted to 1% or less for topical application.

So, there we have a possible ‘top ten’ essential oils forrepparttar 142643 home medicine chest, a selection with an extremely broad range of uses for common ailments seen in a family setting. It is important to note that all essential oils are powerful, and they should be treated with caution and respect. Always refer to a trusted source before making specific applications of any oil, as many can be irritating or possibly toxic if used incorrectly.

To help employ these oils in your home, however, we will examine more specific uses of each essential oil in part II of this article. This will assist you in using these wonderful medicines of nature in your daily routine.

Misty Rae Cech is a Naturopath and Yoga teacher in Boulder, Colorado. She is the owner of Ananda Apothecary, an online dispensery of pure organic essential oils and flower essences. Misty employs essential oils and flower essences in her practice, finding them a wonderful natural way to support her clients.

Reduce the Effects of Fears and Phobias with Hypnosis

Written by Kerry Emrich

Continued from page 1

Hypnosis is effective in treating phobias and fears because it reprograms your subconscious mind to behave differently. Under hypnosis you are in a state where your subconscious mind is in control. The rational or conscious mind is set aside and you are able to absorb new information without thinking about it.

Phobias are an automatic response to something happening going on inside or outside yourself. All fears and phobias are learned behaviors exceptrepparttar two you were born with (fear of loud noises and fear of falling). Hypnosis can help you cure or reducerepparttar 142577 amount of pain or stress you suffer from any fear or phobia.

Hypnosis will allow you to train your mind to react differently in response to your fears. Soon you will laugh at how silly those fears were. Master your fears and phobias with hypnosis!

The author is an avid user of hypnosis, meditation, NLP, EFT, and other mind enhancing technologies and therapies. Always check with a doctor first when trying new therapies, but I am sure you will agree that hypnosis can help you with fears and phobias.

For more information on Hypnosis, Meditation, NLP, Mind Control and more visit us at our Hypnosis and Phobia Resource Site

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