The Essence of Worship

Written by Terry Dashner

Continued from page 1

The Old Testament idea, captured inrepparttar Greek word proskuneo, implied a physical falling down in reverence before a visible majesty. This happened as people came torepparttar 126613 visible, incarnate Christ inrepparttar 126614 Gospels. And it happened in Revelation asrepparttar 126615 saints and angels and elders were actually inrepparttar 126616 presence ofrepparttar 126617 visible, risen Christ. But inrepparttar 126618 age betweenrepparttar 126619 ascension andrepparttar 126620 second coming Christ is not visibly here to worship. Therefore, worship is radically internalized and delocalized. In Matthew 15:8-9 Jesus says, “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me.” Worship that does not come fromrepparttar 126621 heart is vain, empty. It is not authentic worship.

Consider what Paul does to some ofrepparttar 126622 other words related to Old Testament worship. For example,repparttar 126623 next most frequent word for worship inrepparttar 126624 Old Testament (after proskuneo) isrepparttar 126625 word latreup which is usually translated “serve” as in Exodus 23:24, “You shall not worship their gods, nor serve them” (NASB). When Paul uses this word for Christian worship, he goes out of his way to make sure that we know he means not a localized or outward form for worship practice but a nonlocallized, spiritual experience. In fact, he takes it so far as to treat virtually all of life as worship when lived inrepparttar 126626 right spirit. Here’s another example, in Romans 1:9 he says, “I serve [or worship] [God] with my spirit inrepparttar 126627 gospel of his Son.” And in Philippians 3:3, Paul says that true Christians “worship” [God] inrepparttar 126628 Spirit of God…and put no confidence inrepparttar 126629 flesh” (NASB). Then again he says in Romans 12:1, for Christians to “present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” Paul sees all of life and ministry as an expression of that inner experience of worship.

To be continued...keeprepparttar 126630 faith. Worshiprepparttar 126631 Lord with everything in you, any time, any place. Pastor t.

Pastors a small church in Broken Arrow,OK. 918-451-0270

Holy Terror

Written by Gary Whittaker

Continued from page 1

True Christians know that their faith is a personal journey with their Lord, giving to Caesar what belongs to him, and giving back to God what is His. Laws are meant to provide justice for all. Religion is for each individual. Jesus asked that his disciples spreadrepparttar word of God, not inflict it on those that don't believe inrepparttar 126612 exact same translation ofrepparttar 126613 Jewish text. How long can we allow Religious Organizations to pass judgment on others when they are not accountable for their own actions? How long can we allow our elected officials to legalize hate? How different arerepparttar 126614 feelings of disgust between couple of same-sex today thanrepparttar 126615 feelings inrepparttar 126616 past when two people of different color where together? How different arerepparttar 126617 arguments in defense of this bigotry are today than they were towardsrepparttar 126618 children? Malcolm X once quipped about not needing to overseas to fight terror; he had plenty in his own backyard. Understanding is a pre-cursor to action. You don't have to be gay to understand state-sponsored discrimination, nor doesrepparttar 126619 feelings have to be justified by bodies swinging from a tree. Canadians have another chance to defy their Big American Brother and take a stand for same-sex marriage. Canada needs to showrepparttar 126620 world what a true free democratic society is all about, and werepparttar 126621 people need to support that government for that direction. Do not let your voices remain silent on this issue, gay or not.

Gary Whittaker is the editor of T.E.N Magazine, a social and sports commentary webzine with balls! Check out more articles at

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