The Engagement Ring

Written by Tom Ttsatsos

Continued from page 1

The ancient Greeks believedrepparttar fire ofrepparttar 135303 diamond reflectedrepparttar 135304 flame of love, whilerepparttar 135305 Romans thought diamonds to be splinters from falling stars that tippedrepparttar 135306 arrows of Eros,repparttar 135307 god of love. Inrepparttar 135308 Middle Ages, these gems were looked upon as charms that hadrepparttar 135309 power to enhancerepparttar 135310 love between a husband and a wife. However, diamonds were quite rare and onlyrepparttar 135311 wealthy could afford them.

The tradition of giving a diamond engagement ring began in 1477 withrepparttar 135312 Archduke Maximillian of Austria, who presented his betrothed, Mary of Burgundy, with a simple gold band with a diamond. Since diamonds arerepparttar 135313 hardest, natural substance in nature, it was considered an appropriate symbol of enduring love. From that time forward,repparttar 135314 royal tradition of giving a diamond engagement ring began to be embraced by people aroundrepparttar 135315 world.

Inrepparttar 135316 1939, a brilliant advertising campaign byrepparttar 135317 De Beers Company,repparttar 135318 world's largest miner and marketer of diamonds, maderepparttar 135319 diamond THE engagement ring asrepparttar 135320 only best option to gift to your fiancée.

Tom Ttsatsos, write article and provide consultancy to The American wedding

Property Management: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Written by Elaine VonCannon

Continued from page 1

Don’t Let Management Companies Take Advantage Of You

If you decide to work with a property management company educate yourself about possible hidden fees that may be added to take advantage of less knowledgeable property owners. Extra fees like charges for acquiring work or cleaning estimates, procurement fees for finding new tenants and commission fees added to tenant sales are just a few examples of things to look for. Commission charges that are added to tenant sales are negotiable withinrepparttar property management agreement. These types of concealed charges are typical in agreements created by larger companies that have a property management division. In general,repparttar 135283 cost to hire a property management company should be a percentage ofrepparttar 135284 monthly rent.

Tips To make Your Property Management Search More Successful

Always research and read your property management agreement from beginning to end. Don’t sign anything until you feel comfortable. Take allrepparttar 135285 time you need to make a decision. Research and compare property managers. Ask them about their marketing strategy forrepparttar 135286 property. Find out how longrepparttar 135287 manager has been licensed and how many properties they have worked with. Ask for and contact references. The best property managers are found by referral through a trusted friend or business colleague.

Living By Example

As a property manager I try to exemplifyrepparttar 135288 highest qualities inrepparttar 135289 business. I charge a percentage ofrepparttar 135290 rent for my fee and promise not to add any hidden fees or undisclosed costs. I also require all potential tenants to allow me to do a credit check. I work to createrepparttar 135291 best situation for everyone involved. Since many rental properties eventually go up for sale, you are always building relationships with tenants who may be potential buyers. It is worth it to be smart, fair and reasonable in your property dealings.

Elaine VonCannon is a REALTOR with RE/Max Capital in Williamsburg, Virginia, and she specializes in retirement and relocation in the Williamsburg area. She is an Accredited Buyer's Representative as well as a Senior Real Estate Specialist. Elaine VonCannon also works with real estate investors and home sellers.

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