The End of the World,

Written by Dokes,

Continued from page 1

On that note I think everybody should live it up as much as possible like today is your last. Guy’s if there is some shorty you have been wanting to holla at but have been to puss to do anything about it, do it. The worst thing that could happen is rejection. Who cares about pride anyways? If you have a business idea but have been too scared that it might not work, try it. You have to take risk to build any business. If you have been waiting forrepparttar right person to have sex with, wait no more bang as much as humanly possible because you will regret it inrepparttar 101743 end. All you people out there stressing about school and being successful stop that shit. American culture has to high of expectations for us to be successful. I am happiest when I just finished having sex for hours and I’m covered in sweat from head to toe. When I look over and seerepparttar 101744 girl is in a state of sexual bliss from experiencing multiple orgasms and I can barely move this is what I consider success.

Name: Dokes Age: 23 Location: Austin, TX Occupation: Co-Founder DnF Records

Sexual Tips, How to last longer in bed!!!

Written by Dokes

Continued from page 1

When you are bangin’ NEVER think about what you are doing. The second I think about how good it feels, how good it looks going in, or any of that nasty shit it’s over. What I like to do is think about what my plans forrepparttar next day or a conversation I had with someone else. As long as you keep your mind away from what is happening you will go on and on. Always be sure thatrepparttar 101742 women gets off first then you go. It is common courtesy and it will lead to more inrepparttar 101743 future.

Name: Dokes Age: 23 Location: Austin, TX Occupation: Co-Founder DnF Records

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