The Dignity of Labor

Written by Susan Dunn, MA

Continued from page 1

When my "important" work has been interrupted, and I feel impatient, I think back onrepparttar Archbishop's story.

It keeps me from yanking and pulling on my protesting granddaughter when I put her sweater on her. I can pause while I do this necessary work and look atrepparttar 123485 sheer beauty ofrepparttar 123486 polished skin on her arm, andrepparttar 123487 freckles scattered on that precious and protesting nose. I can do my work with a loving hand.

If I'm putting onrepparttar 123488 sweater to protect her fromrepparttar 123489 cold, because I love her, I can let her know this inrepparttar 123490 way that I do it.

I want to acknowledge each of you forrepparttar 123491 work that you do. May it bless and bring dignity to you.

For allrepparttar 123492 times you dotted an "i", wiped a runny nose, sent a thank you card, listened to a trouble co-worker, took outrepparttar 123493 garbage on a rainy morning, picked your husband's underwear up offrepparttar 123494 floor forrepparttar 123495 100th time, crawled around on your hands and knees inrepparttar 123496 dark looking for a lost "wubbie," calmed an angry client before they went into your boss' office, asked your friend, tenderly, if she'd considered that her son might be doing drugs,repparttar 123497 phone call you took after you couldn't take one more,repparttar 123498 time you really looked at someone's photo of their grandchild, fixed a flat for a woman you'll never see again, listened to an Ancient Aviator's WWII story, cleanedrepparttar 123499 toilet, changed a dirty diaper, worked a piece of plastic out ofrepparttar 123500 printer, unscrewed a mayonnaise jar for your grandmother, smiled when there was no reason to smile and no one else was smiling ... and allrepparttar 123501 other works of your life known only to you.

On this Labor Day acknowledge yourself for all those unnoticed labors of love you have done throughout your life.

And claimrepparttar 123502 dignity of your work. Pause for a moment and appreciate to yourselfrepparttar 123503 love you have put intorepparttar 123504 hardest, smallest, most tedious, demanding, most un-noticed and unacknowledged parts of your work, which is your life.

And finally, acknowledge yourself for allrepparttar 123505 times you went for help and found your personal power by beingrepparttar 123506 helper and making your contribution torepparttar 123507 circle of life –repparttar 123508 times you coached your coach, shrank your therapist, placed your placement counselor, cured your doctor, healedrepparttar 123509 healer, organized your boss, supported your support staff, led your leader, followed your followers, held your accountant accountable, taught your teacher, ministered to your minister, mothered your mother, fathered your father, and allowed yourself to be child to your children.

Happy Labor Day!

©Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, . Susan Dunn is your EQ Coach, here to assist, inspire, support and transform your experience of yourself, your life, your relationship, your career, your health and your world through the magic of emotional intelligence competencies (EQ). The EQ Learning Lab™ is now available. for FREE ezine.

Courage to Trust: A How-To Guide

Written by Liz Sumner, Life Coach MA CPC

Continued from page 1

High Value It's a whole lot easier to be courageous when you truly want something. Jane loves her local museum and always wanted to become a docent. Though shy in groups, she was determined to volunteer, and enjoyedrepparttar first meeting without dread or social anxiety.

Low Risk One thing that helped Jane was to figure outrepparttar 123484 worst possible outcome and determine its likelihood. They probably weren't going to laugh and point, and if she tripped when she walked in she could get up and say "Tah Dah!"

You're in Charge Your hand controlsrepparttar 123485 reins of how much discomfort you can handle. You get to choose whether to go or stay. When Tom Smith was training Seabiscuit he didn't try to forcerepparttar 123486 horse to do what he refused. Smith let Seabiscuit discover that he had choice. You don't need to be defensive or resistant when you'rerepparttar 123487 one in charge.

Camaraderie There's safety in numbers. Things always seem less frightening when you do it with a friend. Maybe it's just misery loves company. Whateverrepparttar 123488 motivation, friends offer support, and help bring out your biggest self. I'm often my boldest and most outrageous with my friend Gina. She's got me doing stuff on stage that I never imagined possible, but I feel safe in her company.

Higher Power No courage How-To list would be complete without trust in God. I'm a novice in spiritual matters and only just learning how faith operates in my life. Suffice it to say that being part of something infinite and all-powerful can definitely give you a leg up.

So maybe courage is simply portable safety-- finding it within yourself rather than seeking it fromrepparttar 123489 world; generating it as needed and always havingrepparttar 123490 right amount-- no more, no less. That's certainly a productive use of resources.

Liz Sumner, Life Coach M.A. CPC can help you find your courage and move beyond the fears that limit you. For a complimentary 30-minute coaching call email, call 603-876-3956 or visit

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